Community Engagement
- Types of Community Engagement
- Academic Community-Engaged Learning Program
- Community Building Programs
- Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children (TREC)
- Employment and Leadership Opportunities
- Morris Intercultural Education Initiative
- Days of Service
- Community Engagement Initiatives
- Community Partners
- Events
- Getting Involved
- Participant Resources
- Pre-Service Training
- Community Engagement Assessment
The Morris Intercultural Education Initiative began with a community-wide assessment in the 2013-2014 academic year. As a result of this assessment, several programs that partner with our region's growing Latino community were strengthened or started, including:
Community-Engaged Learning and MIEI
Several CEL classes at UMM are engaged in ongoing work in partnership with the Latino community. Examples include the creation of videos explaining key university resources to newcomers in Spanish and research to assess MIEI programs and continue assessing community needs.
Community ESL Classes
ESL Classes meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:45 in Imholte Hall, and from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays at Federated Church. Students and community members complete a twelve hour training, after which they volunteer to teach or assist in English as a Second or Other Language classes for people whose first language is not English. Classes are held on campus and at Federated Church. Volunteers are involved in monthly trainings and reflection sessions and continue to develop their practice.
Educator Training
UMM faculty and staff provide intercultural competence training for educators on an ongoing basis.
ESL TREC (Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children)
Whenever adults are gathered for English classes, their children can be involved in ESL TREC in the same building. ESL TREC provides bilingual learning opportunities for children ages 0-18. ESL TREC tutors are trained students or community members who plan and implement learning activities and assess children's progress. 7:30-8:45 in Imholte Hall, and from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays at Federated Church.
Jane Addams
Jane Addams is a weekly bilingual discussion and activity group that aims to connect members of the Latino community, broader community, and UMM community. Interpreters are always available to foster discussion; anyone regardless of language skills is encouraged to attend.
Latino Parent Advisory Board
Latino parents meet monthly with school officials, and trained interpreters and translators provide assistance with setting up meetings and communication as needed.
Students and community members complete a nine hour training, after which they volunteer as interpreters and/or translators to provide people whose first language is not English to greater access to community resources. Volunteers have opportunities for continued practice and reflection.
Morris Intercultural Education Initiative Initial Assesssment