Student Success

At UMN Morris, we pride ourselves on student success—both in the classroom and beyond. Our student satisfaction and positive graduation outcomes have a lot to do with our small class sizes, individual connections with professors, and hands-on learning experiences you won’t get anywhere else. 

You’ll not only be successful as a student, but you’ll be well on your way to success after graduation. After all, UMN Morris graduates go on to do great things. Sometimes it starts with a creative project, a research opportunity, or an internship coordinated by our well-connected faculty. Other times, graduates leverage their Morris experience to land dream jobs on their own. Regardless, UMN Morris alumni are more prepared, confident, and well-rounded than when they first set foot on campus. You will be too.

of graduates are employed or in graduate programs within one year of graduating.
of graduates were satisfied with their experiences at Morris.
of students earn multiple majors.
students have recently received the prestigious Fulbright US award.