The social sciences are concerned with the structure and dynamics of social systems, the study of individuals and groups and how human and non-human behavior influences the world around us.
Division of Social Science Academic Programs
- Anthropology
- Economics
- History
- Human Services
- Business and Management
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
The Division also provides courses that contribute to a variety of interdisciplinary majors and minors, such as:
- Native American and Indigenous Studies
- Environmental Studies
- Sustainability Leadership
- Latin American Area Studies
- Human Services
- African and Black American Studies
- Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
Social Science students participate in internships at local, state, federal, and international levels. Many have worked closely with faculty to co-author papers and present research at national conferences. For more information visit our discipline links or drop by the division office at 109 Camden Hall.
The mission of the Division of Social Sciences is to foster a dynamic academic climate and to support support faculty and student scholarship. The Division of Social Sciences supports the mission of the University of Minnesota Morris by:
- Providing essential aspects of a liberal arts education through understanding humans in their diversity as expressed in their histories, ideas, institutions, and behaviors.
- Providing service in cooperation with other offices and programs to the campus and the greater community that contribute to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge to the Social Sciences and related fields.
- Providing our students with core knowledge of their chosen majors, and competence in the methodologies, techniques, and skills required in their fields.