Community of Scholars is an exclusive event for eligible first-year, high-achieving students to compete for top academic scholarships at UMN Morris. If you’re eligible for Community of Scholars and applied by December 15, 2024, you will be invited to participate in the event.
Community of Scholars is a unique opportunity to not only compete for scholarships, but to learn more from the UMN Morris community and explore campus. By attending, you’ll get to experience the warmth and vibrancy of the place so you can truly get a feel for how you will fit in here.
Scholarships and Awards
The top scholarships from the University of Minnesota Morris that are awarded through this competition include:
- Prairie Scholars Award—full-tuition scholarship package (4 years)
- Morris Scholars Award—$24,000 scholarship package ($6,000 per year), plus a $2,500 scholarly stipend
- Distinguished Scholars Award—$1,500 scholarly stipend, plus your previously awarded Achievement Scholarship package
Community of Scholars includes a two-part interview competition on campus: a small group interview session and an individual interview session, both with current members of our campus community, typically faculty, staff, and alumni.
- Saturday, December 7, 2024
- Friday, January 31, 2025
- Saturday, February 1, 2025
Eligible students who are invited will be asked to register for one of the above dates. After the competition, students will be notified within three weeks if they are being awarded a scholarship.
Who is eligible to participate in Community of Scholars?
Entering first year students who complete their application by December 15, 2024, will be considered. An invitation will be sent to those selected for the competition.
How many students participate?
In a typical year, more than 300 scholarship finalists participate in the Community of Scholars event.
When will I find out if I have received one of the scholarships?
We'll announce the recipients within three weeks of the date of the competition. We will not wait for all competition dates to be completed to notify scholarship winners. Students will be notified by letter and email.
What if I can't attend any of the dates for the competition?
Contact the Office of Admissions [email protected] to discuss alternative options.
Competition and Interview FAQ
How can I prepare for my interview?
The interviews are a way for members of the UMN Morris community to get to know you better—and for you to get to know members of the community. Relax and be yourself. To prepare, you may want to browse our website and familiarize yourself with campus opportunities and programs and think about how you would utilize those programs.
How will my interview be judged/scored?
Your interview will be scored by a the faculty, staff, or alumni who interview you.
Will you take into account anything besides my interview when determining if I receive a scholarship?
Our scholarship awarding process is holistic and takes into account your interview; your academic achievements; and extracurricular, leadership, and community involvement.
Is there a dress code?
There is no dress code, and scholarship recipients are not judged on attire, but remember that looking your best can help you feel your best. Choosing a business casual look might help you feel professional and ready for your interview!
Who will interview me?
You will talk with two members of the UMN Morris community. Alumni, faculty, and staff have volunteered and are excited to talk with you. They have not been part of the admissions process, so they will be meeting you for the first time, just as you are meeting them for the first time. The interview isn't meant to be intimidating. Think of this as an opportunity to tell your interviewers what you're passionate about and to get a feel for what life is really like on campus!
Additional Questions?
If you have other questions or would like more information, email your admissions counselor, or contact us directly at [email protected].