When pursuing a bachelor of arts degree from UMN Morris, you must satisfy the requirements for both parts of the degree: general education and the major. For the major, you must fulfill its requirements as specified in the University Catalog.
Instead of a major, you may choose to complete an area of concentration, which is an individualized, often interdisciplinary, group of courses that meets the requirement of in-depth study of a specific field of knowledge. If you wish to complete an area of concentration (major or minor), you must have the area of concentration program approved by the appropriate faculty advisers, division chairs, and the vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean. A copy of the approved program must be filed with the Registrar's Office.
Detailed Procedures & Forms
Prototypes for areas of concentration that have been approved by the dean are available by contacting the Dean's Office. Some examples of areas of concentration prototypes are:
- Actuarial Science
- Art Therapy
- Arts Administration
- Digital Media Studies
- Education Studies
- Exercise Science
- Forensic Science
- International Studies
- Journalism
- Multicultural Studies
- Public Health
Contact Laura Burks, [email protected], in the Dean's Office for more information.
Academic Planning
Opportunities for Students
Additional Resources