Summer Term Tuition and Fees

Summer 2024 Cost Sheet

The cost sheet will give you a breakdown of summer tuition, fees, and housing costs.


Number of credits and tuition for those credits.
Number of CreditsTuition*
1$ 497.40

*All students will be charged resident tuition for summer 2024 courses.


Residence Halls

On-campus residence hall housing and rate
Room OccupancyRate
Single/Double Occupancy$91/week

$315 flat rate from May 11 to June 2.


The average cost for books and supplies is $500 per semester. This figure will vary per student based on their major and course load.


Required Fees: In-Person Only or In-Person and Online

Fee names and amounts for in-person or in-person and online summer term 2024
Fee NameFee Amount
Activities Fee (below 6 credits)$15.00
Activities Fee (6 or more credits)$30.00
Regional Fitness Center Fee$30.00
UMN Morris Campus Fee$81.00

Required Fees: Online Only

Fee names and amounts for online only summer term 2024
Fee NameFee Amount
UMN Morris Campus Fee$81.00
Regional Fitness Center Fee (Optional)**$30.00

**Enrolled students requesting a summer membership should email

International Student Fees (In Addition to the Required Fees)

Fee names an amounts for international students for summer term 2024. These fees are in addition to the other required fees.
Fee NameFee Amount
International Student Fee$300.00
International Student Academic Services Fee (below 3 credits)$62.50
International Student Academic Services Fee (3 credits–5.5 credits)$125.00
International Student Academic Services Fee (6 or more credits)$250.00

Other Student Fees

Fee names and amounts for other fees that may be assessed for summer term 2024
Fee NameFee Amount
Late Payment Fee (per month)$40.00
Student Health Benefit Plan***$915.00

***Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) Coverage: Students enrolled in the Student Health Benefit Plan during spring semester will be automatically covered through the summer semester at no additional charge. Coverage remains active even if a student graduates at the end of spring or does not enroll in summer courses. Degree-seeking students registered for three or more qualifying credits during the summer term are required to have health insurance. New students and students with an expired Student Health Benefit Plan waiver will automatically be enrolled in the SHBP unless they request a waiver by providing proof of health insurance.