Campus resources and programs here to help you succeed
Resource Center
The Resource Center for Gender, Women, and Sexuality (RCGWS), located within the Multi-Ethnic Resource Center, is a supportive and safe environment for people of all genders, sexualities, and identities on campus. The organizations sharing the RCGWS aim to promote dialogue about issues relating to gender, women, and sexuality; to foster ongoing education surrounding these issues; and to encourage the acceptance of all facets of one’s identity.
Everyone who enters this room may safely and comfortably self-express without fear of discrimination, harm, or exposure for being different. This includes differences of sexual orientation and identity, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, physical and mental ability, age, and other identities.
The RCGWS is open and accessible during MRC building hours: every day, 7 a.m.-2 a.m.

Morris Queer Student Initiative for Equality (MoQSIE) is a student organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two Spirit, and Allies (“LGBTQIA2S”) at the University of Minnesota Morris. Through social events, educational programs, pride activism and political awareness, MoQSIE strives to end stereotyping, and to promote an understanding of equal rights for all gender and sexual minorities.
MoQSIE organizes events such as National Coming Out Day, Pride Week, and an annual drag show.
Commission on Women and Gender Equity
As directed by the University of Minnesota' s 1988 Minnesota Plan II, the Commission on Women and Gender Equity at the University of Minnesota Morris, seeks to strengthen the entire community by improving the campus climate for all women and gender minority faculty, staff, and students, in order to create a campus working and learning environment that is respectful, inclusive, and productive.
Commission on Women and Gender Equity Goals
- To promote dialogue on issues relevant to women's and gender equity;
- To challenge norms, values, and attitudes that demean or devalue women and gender minorities while supporting constructive change;
- To encourage faculty, staff, and administration to provide humane working and learning environments for all members of the campus community;
- To promote fair treatment of women and gender minorities in all areas of academic and campus life, including instruction, hiring, mentoring, evaluation, promotion, and awards/recognition; and
- To recognize and celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of UMN Morris women and gender minorities.
Commission on Women and Gender Equity
Gender/Sexuality Advocates
The Gender/Sexuality Advocate is a paid peer educator position held by UMM undergraduate students. G/SAs are able to hold office hours in the RCGWS, assist with general LGBTQIA2S+ Programs Office functions, and serve as LGBTQIA2S+ leaders and advocates on campus. G/SAs are also involved with creating and presenting student, staff, and faculty workshops on topics related to gender and sexuality. They are available for consultation with and questions from faculty and staff regarding queer and trans students’ experiences and insights.
LGBTQIA2S+ Emergency Fund
The LGBTQIA2S+ Emergency Fund is intended to provide opportunities for LGBTQIA2S+ students at the University of Minnesota Morris to receive financial assistance. Funding is primarily used for immediate emergencies, including, but not limited to, housing, food and healthcare. For more information contact Equity, Diversity, and Intercultural Programs.
LGBTQIA2S+ Emergency Fund Request Make a Gift to the LGBTQIA2S+ Emergency Fund
Student Counseling provides free personal, crisis, and developmental counseling, educational programming and outreach, and maintains a confidential service for students who have been sexually harassed or harassed based on race, sexual orientation, or religion.
Counselors participate in on-going training for LGBTQIA2S+ clients. Student Counseling also supervises the LGBTQIA2S+ Peer Support Group. Contact Student Counseling directly at 320-589-6060 or email the LGBTQIA2S+ Peer Support Group facilitators at [email protected] for more details.
Explore Mental Health at UMN Morris
Equity, Diversity, & Intercultural Programs
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Intercultural Programs (EDI) works collaboratively with campus and community partners to meet the needs of students from traditionally underserved backgrounds and international students, foster inclusive diversity at UMN Morris and promote intercultural competence for all students, faculty and staff.
EDI engages students as global citizens in the areas of leadership, civic engagement, and social justice and provides academic, social, and cultural support services and programs to increase student retention and academic success.
Vern Cooper, Assistant Director of Community and Inclusion Programs; LGBTQIA2S+ Program
[email protected]
MRC 110