
Do you want to promote environmental, social, and economic sustainability in your personal and professional life? Then the sustainability leadership minor may be for you. Coursework in sustainability leadership at UMN Morris requires a core course in environmental problems and policy that will provide you with a foundation for considering what "sustainability" means.

UMN Morris’s commitment to environmental sustainability through its renewable energy infrastructure investments, institutional policies, and campus initiatives is nationally recognized. Here, you’ll be able to participate in co-curricular workshops focused on improving your leadership skills. You’ll have an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn in depth about sustainability challenges and solutions through a community-engaged learning project and an immersive experience in sustainability. You can also explore the meaning of sustainability and leadership within and across disciplines.

The sustainability leadership minor works well with any major to prepare you for graduate study and internship or career opportunities.

Degree Requirements

Student Learning Outcomes

By completing the sustainability leadership program, you will be able to

  • describe human-environment interactions and related problems and policies;
  • communicate about issues of sustainability to the public and diverse audiences;
  • analyze and interpret multiple perspectives related to decision-making and leadership; and
  • reflect on personal and social contexts that lead to construction of belief, culture, and knowledge.

General Education Requirements

The University of Minnesota and its faculty are committed to providing an education that invites you to investigate the world from new perspectives, learn new ways of thinking, and grow as an active citizen and lifelong learner. The University’s general education requirements are designed to be integrated throughout your four-year undergraduate experience. These courses provide you an opportunity to explore fields outside your major and complement your major curriculum with a multidisciplinary perspective.

Careers & Graduate School


A minor in sustainability leadership studies paired with your major can lead to a variety of career fields:

  • Environmental advocacy
  • Natural resources management
  • Renewable energy development
  • Urban planning and policy
  • Agriculture
  • Business
  • Journalism
  • Private-sector consulting
  • Environmental health
  • Waste management
  • Conservation

Graduate School

Specific graduate degrees and programs related to environmental studies include:

  • Environment & Natural Resources Law & Policy Program, University of Denver
  • Masters Program in Advocacy and Political Leadership (Metropolitan State University)
  • Masters Program, International Sustainable Tourism (University of North Texas)

Research & Engagement


As is the case with any area of study at UMN Morris, you’ll be able to work with faculty on research or community-engaged projects. Local research partners offer a wide range of opportunities to extend your experiences beyond the classroom. On-campus renewable energy facilities not only power the campus, but serve as cutting-edge research and teaching tools. Our green campus is a model of sustainability and a living laboratory for innovative, environmentally–friendly ideas. And with nearby wetlands, woodlands, and prairie, our rural location offers abundant opportunities for off-campus field study.


As a UMN Morris student, you’re strongly encouraged to take part in opportunities outside the classroom to gain practical, hands-on experience. For example, an internship in the field of environmental studies allows you to put your knowledge into practice.

In addition, UMN Morris has many opportunities for you to strengthen your leadership skills, such as taking on a leadership position in a club, or getting paid to lead through an on-campus job.

Quick Facts

Program Offerings
  • Minor