Community Engagement
- Types of Community Engagement
- Academic Community-Engaged Learning Program
- Community Building Programs
- Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children (TREC)
- Employment and Leadership Opportunities
- Morris Intercultural Education Initiative
- Days of Service
- Community Engagement Initiatives
- Community Partners
- Events
- Getting Involved
- Participant Resources
- Pre-Service Training
- Community Engagement Assessment
Office of Community Engagement staff can connect you with a volunteer opportunity that fits your schedule, interests, and goals. With more than 500 volunteer opportunities in our ongoing programs and with regional organizations, we can help tailor an opportunity that is right for you. You can either contact the Office of Community Engagement to schedule an appointment or ask about a specific area of interest, or complete a volunteer interest form and we will get back to you soon.
Student Organizations, Athletic Teams, or Residence Hall Floors
We can connect you with a regional organization and creat a group volunteer opportunity for you, regardless of how much time you have and what you want to do. You can either contact the Office of Community Engagement to schedule an appointment or ask about a specific are of interest, or complete a volunteer interest form and we will get back to you soon.
We can help connect you witha volunteer opportunity or help you plan engaged research or community-engaged learning projects. If you want to get more involved, apply for the annual community-engaged learning faculty fellows program. More faculty services are available.
Academic Disciplines
We can help you integrate community-engaged learning into your discipline as a key learning strategy. A faculty fellows call for proposals is due each year at the end of the spring semester, or simply contact us to request a meeting.
Community Organizations
We can connect you with individual students, groups of students, or UMM faculty and classes that can meet your needs. To connect with us, you can complete the community partner form or contact us.
Community Members
There are many ways community members can be involved with the Office of Community Engagement at UMM. A few ideas are included below--but regardless of your reason for wanting to connect, we would love to hear from you!
Project Ideas and Volunteer Needs
If you live in Stevens County (or a nearby county) and have a project idea or a volunteer need, we would love to hear about it. Faculty and students can help with research, planning, hands-on support for projects, evaluation of projects, and many other things--just ask! If we can’t help, we may be able to refer you to another program or office on campus or in the community that can. If you work with a non-profit, school, or government office and want to partner with us, you can use the community partner form to give us some information to get the conversation started, or just contact us.
Serving With Us
Most of our programs are open to anyone. Many community members serve alongside our students, faculty and staff at Days of Service and at Community Building Programs. If you’re interested in more regular opportunities, community members are key teachers and classroom assistants in our Community ESL Program, and important volunteer interpreters and translators through our TERCERO program.
Co-Sponsoring an Event
We welcome co-sponsors for our Soup and Substance dialogues and our Morris Community Meals. Co-sponsorships include at least two meetings to plan events, a financial contribution of $250, and 10 hours total of volunteer time (which can be shared among anyone affiliated with your organization). Co-sponsors are included in all public relations for these programs. Contact us to learn more!
Programs for Children and Families
We have multiple programs for children and families, available.
Attending an Event
Everyone is welcome to attend any of our events!
Want to co-sponsor a community engagement event by providing volunteer time or funding? Contact our office to discuss possibilities.
Spanish Speakers
Community ESL Classes
ESL Classes meet on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:45 in Imholte Hall, and from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays at Federated Church. Students and community members complete a twelve hour training, after which they volunteer to teach or assist in English as a Second or Other Language classes for people whose first language is not English. Classes are held on campus and at Federated Church. Volunteers are involved in monthly trainings and reflection sessions and continue to develop their practice.
ESL TREC (Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children)
Whenever adults are gathered for English classes, their children can be involved in ESL TREC in the same building. ESL TREC provides bilingual learning opportunities for children ages 0-18. ESL TREC tutors are trained students or community members who plan and implement learning activities and assess children's progress. 7:30-8:45 in Imholte Hall, and from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays at Federated Church.
Jane Addams
Jane Addams is a weekly bilingual discussion and activity group that aims to connect members of the Latino community, broader community, and UMM community. Interpreters are always available to foster discussion; anyone regardless of language skills is encouraged to attend.
TERCERO Translators and Interpreters
Do you need an interpreter or translator? Our volunteer interpreters and translators are not certified but have received training and may be able to help.
More information about TERCERO
All of our children’s programs and community member opportunities are available to you, and we can provide interpretation and translation as needed.
To talk to someone in Spanish, leave a message at 320-589-7012 (our Spanish language line) or e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Parents & Guardians (English)
Below are some of the opportunities available for families and children. Please let us know if you have other ideas of ways UMM faculty, staff, or students could support families and children!
Programs for Children
For Children Ages 0-5 (Baby, Infant, and Pre-K)
Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children-Storytime at the Library
Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children-ESL TREC
For Children Ages 5-12 (Grades K-6)
Big Friend, Little Friend (mentoring program)
Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children-Zone Program
Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children-ESL TREC
For Young People Ages 13-18 (Grades 7-12)
Tutoring, Reading, and Empowering Children-ESL TREC
Family-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities
Days of Service
Each of our days of service includes projects that are family-friendly. You and your family can volunteer alongside college students, which helps UMM students get to know the community and helps you contribute to important community projects. There will be an additional form to complete that requires a parent/guardian signature for any participants who are under the age of 18, and youth participants must be accompanied by an adult. To register for days of service as a community member, contact us. We also welcome youth groups, scout troops, and other groups to volunteer together!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Creative Project Contest
Each year, young people in grades 7-12 can submit a written, art, or multi-media piece addressing a question about Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy. Cash prizes and an opportunity to present the piece at a program on Martin Luther King Day are available. For more information, contact us after October 15, when the call for entries will be announced.
Morris Community Meals
We welcome assistance with community meals! Youth ages 12 and older can help with cooking as long as a parent/guardian signs a form and works alongside them. Youth under the age of 12 can assist with serving, set up, and clean up. We also welcome youth groups, scout troops, and other groups to volunteer together!
Family-Friendly Events
See the events calendar for this year's dates to the following events
Gather in the Park
Gather in the Park is an awareness-raising program for Domestic Violence Awareness Month provided in partnership with Someplace Safe. Children’s activities are provided in another area of the park to allow guardians to listen to the speakers and participate in adult activities.
Morris Community Meals
A free, no-strings-attached meal is available six times a year. Families and children are especially welcome to take a break from cooking and enjoy food and fellowship.
Bread ‘N Bowls
This event raises awareness of violence and poverty in our community. Families are welcome to enjoy a meal and a handmade ceramic bowl. The event requests a suggested donation for adults and a reduced suggested donation for children, but everyone is welcome regardless of their ability to pay.
Services for Families
Maybe your family values volunteering but you don’t know where to start with getting connected. We are happy to refer you to opportunities that might fit your family’s lifestyle and the ages of your children. Or, maybe you are interested in learning more about our campus or community, or are having difficulty finding a particular type of resource. Just send us an e-mail with your name, the ages of your family members, and any areas of interest and we’ll get back to you within one week!
Do you need an interpreter or translator? While we cannot provide translation or interpretation services for medical appointments, we can provide assistance in other settings. Our TERCERO-trained translators and interpreters focused on school documents and interactions, but we may be able to help in other ways as well. Contact us at least a week before you need this service, and we will do our best to connect you with a translator or interpreter.
Abajo hay algunos de las oportunidades para familias y hijos. ¡Por favor avísenos si tiene otras ideas de las maneras en que el profesorado, el personal y los estudiantes podrían apoyar las familias y niños.
Programas Para Niños
Para niños de edad entre 0 a 5 años (bebés, niños, preescolar)
Tutoría, Lectura y Empoderamiento de Niños (TREC)- La hora del cuento en la biblioteca
Tutoría, Lectura y Empoderamiento de Niños-TREC durante las clases de inglés
Para niños de edad entre 5 a 12 años (Grados K-6)
Amigo grande, amigo pequeño (programa de mentores)
Tutoría, Lectura y Empoderamiento de Niños (TREC)- Programa de Zone
Tutoría, Lectura y Empoderamiento de Niños- TREC durante las clases de inglés
Para jóvenes de edad entre 13 a 18 años (Grados 7-12)
Tutoría, Lectura y Empoderamiento de Niños- TREC durante las clases de inglés
Oportunidades de Voluntariado para Familias
Día de Servicio
Cada uno de nuestros días de servicio incluye proyectos que son apropiados para toda la familia. Usted y su familia pueden ser voluntarios junto con estudiantes universitarios, el cual ayuda a los estudiantes a conocer la comunidad y a contribuir a proyectos comunitarios importantes. Hay un formulario adicional para completar que requiere una firma de un padre/tutor para los participantes que tienen menos de 18 años, y jóvenes deben ser acompañados por un adulto. Para inscribirse por los días de servicio como miembro de la comunidad, contáctenos. También los grupos juveniles, tropas de scouts y otros grupos son bienvenidos a ser voluntarios.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Concurso de Proyectos Creativos
Cada año, jóvenes en grados 7 a 12 pueden entregar una obra escrita, artística o de multimedia que aborde una pregunta sobre la vida y legado de Martin Luther King Jr. Tendrá la oportunidad de ganar un premio de dinero y de presentar la obra en un programa para el día de Martin Luther King. Para más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros después del 15 de octubre, cuando se anunciará la convocatoria para obras.
Las Cenas Comunitarias de Morris
¡Todos son bienvenidos a ayudar con las cenas comunitarias! Jóvenes menores de 12 años pueden ayudar a cocinar en tanto que su padre/tutor firme un formulario y trabaje junto a ellos. Los jóvenes menores de 12 años pueden ayudar a servir, preparar y limpiar. También los grupos juveniles, tropas de scouts y otros grupos son bienvenidos a ser voluntarios.
Eventos para Familias
Vea el calendario de eventos para las fechas para los eventos de este año.
Reunirse en el Parque
Reunirse en el Parque es un programa para despertar conciencia para el mes de la concientización sobre la violencia doméstica, proporcionado en asociación con Someplace Safe. Hay actividades para niños en otra área del parque para que los padres puedan escuchar a los oradores y participar en actividades para adultos.
Las Cenas Comunitarias de Morris
Una cena totalmente gratuita está disponible seis veces al año. Familias y niño son especialmente bienvenidos a tomar un descanso de la cocinar y disfrutar de la comida y la camaradería.
Pan y Platos
Este evento crea conciencia de la violencia y pobreza en nuestra comunidad. Familias son bienvenidas a disfrutar de la cena y recibir un plato de cerámica hecho de mano. Se solicita una donación sugerida para adultos y una donación reducida sugerida para niños. Si no pueden pagar la donación sugerida, de todas formas son bienvenidos al evento.
Servicios para Familias
Quizás su familia valora el voluntariado pero no sabe por dónde empezar a conectarse con los programas y comunidad. Estamos felices de ayudarle a encontrar oportunidades que funcionan con el estilo de vida de su familia y de las edades de sus hijos. O, quizás esté interesado en aprender más sobre nuestro campus o comunidad, o o si tiene dificultades para encontrar un tipo de recurso en particular. Simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico con su nombre, las edades de los miembros de su familia, y cuales áreas le interesa y nos comunicaremos con usted dentro de una semana.
El Programa de TERCERO
¿Usted necesita un intérprete o traductor? Aunque no podemos proporcionar servicios de traducción y interpretación para citas médicas, podemos dar asistencia en otras áreas. Nuestros traductores y interpretes del programa de TERCERO se enfoquen en los documentos y interacciones en la escuela, pero es posible que podríamos ayudar en otras maneras también. Póngase en contacto con nosotros al menos una semana antes de necesitar el servicio, y haremos lo mejor para conectarlo con un traductor o intérprete.