Faculty Resources

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Faculty Development for Teaching Online

All faculty and instructors new to teaching online are asked to take an online course and program development workshop through the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) within the University of Minnesota, or other equivalent training for online teaching. 

See all Teaching Support Webinars, Workshops, Courses, and Clinics 

Copyright Ownership and Intellectual Property

University of Minnesota Copyright Policy: Background and FAQs

The faculty member owns copyright to all their independent academic works, regardless of the form of the course materials or the modality of the course.

Important: IP agreements are only required for instructors whose work is considered a “directed work”. 

UMN Policy: Copyright Ownership

A "work agreed upon between the University and faculty creator(s), the creation of which is based on a specific request by the University and which is supported by substantial University resources beyond those customarily provided to faculty in the respective discipline and University unit." The agreement to create a directed work must be in writing.

Student Learning Outcomes

UMN Morris requires each syllabus to include information about how the course contributes to Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) and to Campus Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs). Every academic program creates their own Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) to identify the goals of their major; these are online under the “degree requirements” tab for every major (see the art history example). Through academic programs, co-curricular programs, and the general education program, students are guided toward learning that is consistent with the goals stated in the campus mission and Campus Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs). The inclusion of this information on ALL syllabi is required for accreditation.

Syllabus Design and Requirements

UMN Teaching SupportSyllabus Design

UMN Policy: Syllabus Requirements 

UMN Morris Specific Syllabi Information

UMN Policy: Mandatory First Day of Attendance

For courses that are delivered partially or completely online, instructors have discretion to indicate on the syllabus the specific action(s) a student would need to take within a specified time period (e.g., post an online discussion group on academic matters, initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic course topic, submitting an assignment, taking a quiz) in order to be considered as having attended the online course.


Talk to your division office about ordering your textbooks.  

Course Works: How it Works

Course Works Faculty and Instructor FAQs

Open Textbook Library

Canvas Course Site

UMN Teaching Support: Set up Your Canvas Course Site

Each semester, empty academic course sites are automatically generated for all active PeopleSoft sections for every course. These sites appear on the Canvas dashboard of the instructors and teaching assistants (TA's) assigned in PeopleSoft to teach those courses. Instructors can build course content from scratch or import content from existing course sites.

Auto-generated course sites are unpublished. Instructors will need to scroll to the bottom of their Dashboard to find these course sites. If you cannot find your site in Canvas, verify with your department PeopleSoft scheduler that you are listed as a primary instructor for the course.

Before the semester begins, send an email to your students providing a description of how the course will proceed. Canvas: Template for Instructors Email to Send to Students

Tip:Course sites are unpublished and will not be visible to enrolled students until published. Instructors publish their Canvas sites. To hide auto-generated course sites on the Canvas dashboard until they are ready to be worked on, follow these instructions.

Help: If your course site does not appear on your dashboard, reach out to the campus scheduler in the Office of the Registrar to ensure you are assigned as the primary or secondary instructor in PeopleSoft.

Auto-generation of unpublished course sites for upcoming terms take place on the following dates:

Fall term: April 15  |     Spring term: August 1  |  Summer term (including May term): January 1

Teaching Online with Canvas

UMN Teaching Support: Communicate With Your Students   

Tip:  Produce a short welcome audio or video with captions for your course. This helps students' orientation to the course.

UMN Teaching Support: Create and Share Course Content  

UMN Teaching Support: Conduct Live Online Class Sessions and Meetings

UMN Teaching Support: Assess and Evaluate Student Progress 

Canvas How-to Self Help Guides

Teaching with Technology Newsletter: Subscribe

Self-help Guides developed by UMN Office of Information Technology

UMN Canvas Import Existing Course Content into New Course Sites

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Create and Organize Content

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Communicate with Students

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Assess and Grade Student Work 

UMN Canvas Self-Help GuideUse Groups for Collaboration

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Integrate Media Using Kaltura 

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Create a Course Homepage

UMN Canvas Self-Help Guide: Upload and Manage My Media

UMN Canvas: Canvas: Use Proctorio with Canvas Classic Quiz

UMN Canvas: Canvas: Understand Classic Quizzes vs. New Quizzes

Canvas Vendor: Instructor Guide - must be logged into Canvas to use the guide.

Canvas Vendor: Student Guide - must be logged into Canvas to use the guide.

Canvas Vendor: Canvas Video Tutorials for almost anything you need to do in Canvas.

Zoom Help Guides

Kaltura Help Guides


As you create or update course materials, identify and correct any that are improperly formatted, inconsistent, or disorganized.

UMN Digital Accessibility: Start With the 7 Core Skills

UMN Digital Accessibility: Choose and Create Accessible Content

UMN Digital Accessibility: Use Inclusive Teaching Strategies

Exam Security

UMN ResourcesExam Security

Proctorio is an automated online proctor tool integrated into Canvas quizzes that uses students' webcams and microphones to monitor their activity and look for suspicious behavior. Proctorio is centrally funded and supported at no charge to students or academic units. 

UMN Canvas: Use Proctorio with Canvas Classic Quiz

UMN Canvas: Proctorio Student Guide

Manage Student Enrollment

Publish Canvas Site Before First Day of Class

We can help students with technical difficulties before the first day of class if you make your site available to students. You may wish to open your course two to three days before classes begin. Your students will be automatically “fetched” into your Canvas course site, however, they will not be able to access the site until you “publish your site.”

Share with your students: Canvas: Getting Started for Students

Virtual Office Hours/Meetings With Students

Academic Alerts for Students

Academic Alerts: Faculty Concerns (For Students Taking Your Course)

Submitting concerns at the first sign of difficulty gives students the best chance for improvement. Some common reasons for submitting concerns include:

  • Student has several absences, irregular attendance, or has stopped attending class
  • Assignments, papers, or other work have not been turned completed
  • Student has received poor grades on assignments, papers, or exams
  • Student is experiencing difficulty outside of the classroom

Student Ratings of Teaching (SRT)

UMN Morris Online Learning Course SRTs are conducted online by the University of Minnesota Office of Measurement Services using eXplorance Blue

Faculty Instructions for Administering SRT

  • For semester-long classes, students are sent an SRT invitation by email 24 days prior to the last day of class. 
  • Reminders are sent to students who have not yet completed their SRT at 12 and 2 days.
  •  Each student and course pair has its own unique link for the SRT.
Course LengthData Collection Window
83 days or longerThe last 24 days of instruction
5-82 daysThe last 25% of the class instruction time
4 days or fewerThe last day of instruction

Grade Submission