Online Learning for High School Program (PSEO)

The Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program was created by the Minnesota State Legislature in 1985. Minnesota law allows high school students (whether currently in public, nonpublic, or home schools) to take courses at eligible postsecondary institutions. Students must meet the admissions requirements of the postsecondary institution.

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What is covered?

  • Tuition for fall and spring courses
  • Required textbooks and course packets
  • Consumable supplies specifically required for a class such as art supplies and film

What is not covered?

  • Tuition for summer courses (includes May Session, Summer Session I, Summer Session II, and Summer Term)
  • Recommended/optional textbooks and course packets
  • A copy of a required material in an alternate format unless the alternate format is required for the student under an agreement through the Disability Resource Center (DRC).
  • Non-consumable equipment or supplies required for a course such as calculators, instrument rental, uniforms.  
  • Basic school supplies such as notebooks, pens, pencils.

Who is eligible to participate?

You are eligible to participate in the University of Minnesota Morris Online Learning program if you are a Minnesota high school junior or senior, including nonpublic and home school students. Students in cultural exchange programs are not eligible. If you are attending a public or private high school, consult your high school counselor. If you are home schooled, contact the Morris Online Learning office for more information.

While other factors may be considered, there are four main areas used to evaluate PSEO student admission in the Morris Online Learning program. Most PSEO high school students who are successful in courses offered through the Online Learning program meet more than one of the following criteria:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher on 4.0 scale
  • Are in the top 10 percent of their high school class;
  • Have an ACT composite score of 25 or greater
  • Exemplify academic strength (grade of A or B) in the course area

Admission to the University of Minnesota Morris as a degree seeking student is not required to enroll in courses offered by the Morris Online Learning program.

Registration is based upon acceptance in the Morris Online Learning PSEO program and space availability in the requested course.

Admissions Status

The Morris Online Learning office administers online courses at the University of Minnesota Morris. Admission to the program as a PSEO student is not the same as undergraduate admission to the Morris campus. As a PSEO student you are not formally admitted to a degree program within the University. Officially, you are considered a non-degree seeking student.

If you wish to attend the University of Minnesota Morris after your high school graduation, you will need to apply for undergraduate admission like all high school students.

On-Campus PSEO Program

Admission to the Morris Online Learning program as a PSEO student is not the same as admission to the on-campus Morris PSEO program. If you wish to take on-campus classes through the PSEO program, you must apply to the on-campus program. On-campus PSEO students may take online courses with the permission of the PSEO Adviser.

Apply as a PSEO student

Courses & Credits

In working out a balanced program, consider that a full-time high school load is generally six high school classes per day. A full-time load at Morris is 12 to 15 credits per semester. One way to think about college credits is that four Morris semester credits are usually equal to one year of high school coursework.

Expectations for College Coursework

The courses and credits you take and the grades you earn as a PSEO student become part of your permanent University of Minnesota transcript and may influence your future academic career, such as acceptance to college, graduate and professional programs, and scholarship opportunities. For each credit, expect three hours of academic work per week. A typical college course is four credits so you can expect twelve hours of academic work per week from one course.

Review the Expected Student Academic Work per Credit policy

Expectations of UMN Morris Online Learning PSEO Students

  • Plan schedules with high school counselors
  • Plan for three hours of academic work per credit per week
  • Be self-motivated, well-organized, and able to work independently
  • Read and write at an advanced level
  • Seek and request help when needed
  • Read the course syllabus thoroughly
  • Check University-assigned email account often
  • Complete assignments by due dates
  • Take exams on time
  • Track own progress and grades (not all instructors use the Canvas grade book)
  • Maintain high GPAs
  • Submit a new Minnesota Department of Education PSEO Notice of Student Registration form each semester
  • Return textbooks at the end of each semester
  • Request an official UMN Morris transcript be sent to your high school

How do I participate?

Students, guidance counselors, home school educators, and parents should read the PSEO Student Handbook carefully and completely.

PSEO students need to take the following steps to participate in the Morris Online Learning program:

  • Meet with your high school counselor or home school educator about Morris Online Learning course selections, program planning, and registration requirements. They will be best at helping you fit online learning into your schedule and showing you how the credits may apply to high school graduation requirements.
  • Evaluate your daily schedule and consider course work expectations and how to balance it with other commitments.
  • Many high schools provide students with access to computers and an Internet connection during a free class period so that students may work on their online coursework at the school during school hours. If you plan to register for an online course, you must read the technical requirements.
  • Register for courses »

Morris Online Learning courses follow the Morris registration and refund deadlines.

Several five-week summer session courses are also offered during Summer Term. The PSEO program does not cover expenses for summer courses, but PSEO students are welcome to take summer courses as nondegree seeking students at their own expense.

Register for Online Courses as a PSEO Student

Students, guidance counselors, home school educators, and parents should read the PSEO Student Handbook carefully and completely before students register.

The PSEO program permits you to participate in college courses as mandated by state law if you meet the entry requirements of the college program. If your high school administrator or counselor or home school educator has any questions about enrollment in Online Learning through the PSEO program, please refer them to the Online Learning office.

  1. Complete an Online PSEO Application Form
  2. Submit the following required PSEO application documents to the Morris Online Learning office
    • Official High School Transcript (or home school papers).
    • PSEO Notice of Student Registration Form, this Minnesota Department of Education form must be signed by you, your high school counselor or home school educator, and a parent/guardian (if you are under 18 years old).
    • PSEO Agreement Form must be signed by you, your high school counselor or home school educator, and a parent/guardian (if you are under 18 years old).

Mail, or scan and email, the above mentioned forms to:

Online Learning PSEO Program
(Attn: Chlene Anderson)
University of Minnesota Morris
Behmler Hall 314, 600 E. 4th Street
Morris, MN 56267

You will not be formally registered and enrolled until all properly completed documents are received and you are admitted by the Admissions Office. The UMN Morris Online Learning staff send you a registration confirmation email along with student identification information.

Cancellation of Registration

Any cancellation must be submitted in writing and cannot be made over the telephone. PSEO students who wish to cancel a UMN Morris Online Learning course must formally drop or withdraw by emailing the UMN Morris Online Learning office using their University email account. The email must be received before midnight on the day of the deadline.

To cancel your course, please email the Online Learning office the following information using your University-assigned email account.

  • Your name
  • Your student ID number
  • Your cancel course statement:
    • “I wish to cancel out of the UMN Morris Online Learning course Department and Number (for example, Psy 1051): Course Name (for example, Introduction to Psychology).”

The University reserves the right to cancel a course in instances of insufficient enrollment. For courses, this decision is ordinarily made in the week before the first class meeting. You will be officially notified if a course you are registered for is canceled.


While a student enrolled in an UMN Morris online course, the Morris Online Learning Office is your resource on campus. Contact us with your questions and concerns.

The Morris Online Learning staff will process your application when all the completed and signed application materials are received. If admitted, you will then receive an admission confirmation email along with student identification information. Once you receive your admission email, complete the checklist below to get ready for your online course.

  1. Claim your account
    • All students new to the University of Minnesota need to claim their University Internet ID account. The information needed to initiate your account is sent with your registration confirmation letter. Your University Internet ID account only needs to be initiated once, so if you have taken classes at any of the University of Minnesota campuses—Duluth, Crookston, Rochester, Twin Cities, or Morris—you will use the same University Internet ID and password. If you don't have your letter containing your student identification information, contact the Online Learning office. Review and manage your account options. Enroll in and use Duo Security.
  2. Send an email message to the Online Learning Office from your University-assigned email account.
    • Email a short statement such as, “I have claimed my University-assigned email account.” from your University-assigned email account so we know your email account has been activated. This helps our team identify potential technical difficulties prior to the first class session.
  3. Visit the UMN Morris One Stop Student Services.
    • The One Stop Student Services provides information about student services.
  4. Set up Parent/Guest View Access (optional).
    • The Morris Online Learning program will not release any student information to anyone other than your high school counselor or home school educator without your express written consent. Do not share your University Internet ID and password with anyone. Sharing this information violates University policy and may lead to a loss of your Internet privileges and disciplinary action. If your parents need access to your student account or grades, you may set that up through Parent/Guest View Access.
  5. Visit your MyU portal to locate access to your online course. Sign in with your University Internet ID and password. You will find Canvas course site links in the "Key Links" or "Academics" tab. 
  6. Watch for email from University Bookstores with link to order textbooks.
    • You will receive an email from the University Bookstores about two weeks prior to the start of the semester--check your email and your spam folder. The link will allow you to order your textbooks without charge from the PSEO Scholarship Desk. Books will be sent to the home address you list on the order approximately one week before class unless you indicate that you prefer to pick up your books from the UMN Morris campus bookstore. If your home address changes, please notify the Morirs campus bookstore using your University-assigned email account.
  7. Read your “Course Welcome” email.
    • The course instructor will send an email to your University-assigned email account.
  8. Review the exam policies for you class.
    • If your class uses a remote proctoring system, you must have a working microphone and camera.
  9. Review the student policies in your PSEO Student Handbook, especially the Mandatory Attendance at First Class Session policy.
  10. Check your University-assigned email and Canvas account often for important notices.
    • Your instructor may answer your questions within the course site or answer you via your University-assigned email account—check both often.
    • You are responsible for all information sent to your University email account. This is the University’s official means of communication.
  11. Print and review your course syllabus on the first day of class.
    • Your course syllabus is located in your course site. Print and review a copy of the syllabus on the first day of class. It is a good idea to keep a copy of your course syllabus to help transfer credit to other institutions in the future if needed.
  12. Attend your course on the first day of class. 
    • “Attending” an online class means signing in to the course site in Canvas using your University Internet ID and password.
    • The Morris Online Learning program reserves the right to enforce the Mandatory Attendance at First Class Session policy at any time during or after the first three days of an online course in fall or spring, or the first two days of a summer online course. This means that if you do not sign in to your online course site, participate in course activities, or contact your instructor at all during the first two to three days of your online course, you may lose your place in the class.
  13. Track your grades. 
    • You are responsible for keeping track of your grades. Not all University faculty use the Canvas grade book, so you may need to keep track of how you are doing through your graded assignments. As a courtesy, UMN Morris submits grades to your high school if you have completed the Request for Official UMN Morris Transcript. However, you are responsible for making sure your high school receives your grades. You may check your University of Minnesota final grades online via your MyU portal. See Viewing Grades.
  14. Review the procedure for canceling out of a course. 
    • All classes must be officially canceled. You must contact the Online Learning office in writing to cancel out of an online course. It is not enough to stop submitting assignments. This usually results in a grade of “F” or “N” being assigned by the instructor.
    • Any cancellation must be submitted in writing and cannot be made over the telephone. If you wish to cancel a Morris online course, you must formally drop or withdraw by emailing the Morris Online Learning Office using your University-assigned email account. The email must be received before midnight on the day of the deadline. See UMN Morris registration and refund deadlines.
    • Please note that a change in your registration status should be made by the deadlines to drop a course without a designation of “W” (withdrawal) on your transcript.
      • A drop occurs within the first 10 days of campus instruction and will not appear on your transcript.
      • A withdraw occurs after 10 days of campus instruction and will appear on your transcript.
    • To cancel, please email the following information using your University-assigned account.
      • Your name
      • Your student ID number
      • Your cancel statement: “I wish to cancel out of the Morris Online Learning course Department and Number (for example, Psy 1051): Course Name (for example, Introduction to Psychology).”

GPA requirements, credit reduction, and dismissal from the PSEO program.


Postsecondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) students are required to maintain a 2.50 cumulative and term grade point average in their University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) courses. Students who fall below this criterion will be prohibited from taking Morris courses (dismissed) for one semester. However, students may file a written appeal of the dismissal decision with the Scholastic Committee by the specified deadline. Typically, the strongest appeals are those in which the student presents documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond their control.

Credit reduction and drop-down

Students who receive a grade of “C+” or lower (including a grade of “N”) in one or more courses or do not fulfill the terms of an academic contract, yet remain above the 2.5 GPA criterion, may be advised to decrease their enrollment during the following term at the discretion of the Scholastic Committee (or its designees). It is important that students understand that the Scholastic Committee and its designees have the right and responsibility to act in what they believe to be the student’s and the program’s best interests.

Tuition, Fees, & Textbooks

There is no charge for tuition, fees, or required textbooks for Minnesota PSEO students taking Online Learning classes during the fall and spring semester; recommended textbooks are not covered.

PSEO students are welcome to take summer courses through the Morris campus as a nondegree seeking student; however, course tuition, fees, and textbooks for summer courses are not covered by the PSEO program.


You will receive an email from the University Bookstores about two weeks prior to the start of the semester--check your email and your spam folder. The link will allow you to order your textbooks without charge from the PSEO Scholarship Desk.

Books will be sent to the home address you list on the order approximately one week before class unless you indicate that you prefer to pick up your books from the UMN Morris campus bookstore. If your home address changes, please notify the Morirs campus bookstore using your University-assigned email account.

PSEO textbooks must be returned to the UMN Morris bookstore at the end of the semester or the student will be billed for the used cost of the textbook(s). Prompt return of textbooks is very important. You should include your name and high school when you return your textbook so we can credit you with its return.