Positions for Election Each Spring Semester:
- President/Vice President Ticket (Elect one pair)
- Campus Assembly Representative (20 seats)
- All-University Student Senate (2 seats)
- Consultative Committee Member (3 seat)
If you are interested in running for an elected MCSA Position, please fill out this form by Friday, March 1st at 11:59 p.m. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Position Descriptions
The President serves as the University of Minnesota-Morris (UMM) student body president, central leader and organizer of the Morris Campus Student Association (MCSA) and presiding officer of the association’s executive committee. The MCSA President serves as a member of the MCSA and serves as the official representative and spokesperson of MCSA. The President runs for election in coordination with and on the same ballot as a Vice Presidential candidate. The ticket must be duly elected and subsequently assumes office on the second Sunday in April of the semester in which the election is held. Once in office, the President is responsible for enforcing and upholding the MCSA Constitution, maintaining communications with administration, alumni, and other friends of the University and carrying out such other duties and responsibilities as delegated by the MCSA Forum. The President is further responsible for formulating policies relating to MCSA for ratification, coordinating all task forces and committees of MCSA relating to campus relations and appointing four members of the cabinet in consultation with the Vice President. The MCSA President is the premier advocate for students on the UMM campus in all spheres of campus governance and otherwise.
Vice President
A candidate seeking the position of MCSA Vice President runs for election in coordination with and on the same ballot as a Presidential candidate. Upon being duly elected, the ticket assumes office the second Sunday in April. The Vice President maintains coordination with the President with the responsibility of enforcing and upholding the MCSA Constitution. The Vice President serves as the presiding officer of MCSA Forum, chairing meetings of the Forum and voting only in the case of a tie, and as member of the Student Senate Consultative Committee. The Vice President carries out other duties and responsibilities as delegated by the Forum, coordinates all task forces and special committees relating to inter-university relations, and provides consultation to the President for matters concerning appointments.
Campus Assembly Student Representative
Campus Assembly Student Representatives serve the University of Minnesota – Morris (UMM) student body as advocates to the central campus-wide governance forum, the UMM Campus Assembly. The UMM Campus Assembly is composed of faculty, student and staff representatives and is chaired by the UMM Chancellor. Student representatives attend regularly scheduled UMM Campus Assembly meetings as well as UMM Campus Assembly committee meetings. Student representatives also serve as members of the Morris Campus Student Association (MCSA) Forum. The MCSA Forum meets weekly and discusses, identifies solutions to and organizes around student problems, concerns and issues. The MCSA Forum is rooted in values of student advocacy, representation and organization. The Forum shall take action on proposals given to Forum by the MCSA Executive Committee, and on proposals initiated by members during Forum. As members of the MCSA Forum, student representatives collectively along with officers and student organization representatives have the power to reverse any action of the MCSA Executive Committee, to approve the annual budget of the MCSA and to confirm or reject nominees from the President and/or MCSA Executive Committee.
Student Senator
Student Senators serve the University of Minnesota system as members of both the Student and University Senate. These two bodies, along with the Faculty Senate, serve in coordination with the Board of Regents as the central policy governance systems within the University of Minnesota. Student Senators are elected from each college within the University of Minnesota. Representation is proportional to population and senators are expected to serve as representatives from their respective colleges while being conscious of their status as students within the University of Minnesota system at large. Two student senators are elected from both the Crookston and Morris campuses. Student Senators are required to attend five full Student Senate and University Senate meetings in the course of an academic year. Student Senators serve as advocates for the students of the University of Minnesota and provide student input and consultation on matters of University governance, policy, and operations. As stated in the University Senate constitution, “In general, the responsibility of the Student Senate shall include but not be limited to matters in the area of student government, student organizations, and student publications. The Student Senate shall also exercise an advisory role on matters of student behavior and student academic integrity.”
Consultative Committee Member
The UMM Consultative Committee is made up of elected members representing faculty, staff, and students. The charge of the committee is to discuss with appropriate members of the campus community special problems related to instruction, research, personnel, service functions, student affairs, and finances. The committee is to facilitate communication among all campus constituencies. Student members of the Consultative Committee are also reserved a seat on the MCSA Forum.