Morris Let’s Thrive strives to infuse evidence-based wellbeing practices in the daily lives of students, faculty, and staff. Here are some of our courses, workshops, and support groups.
Curriculum Infusion Workshops, Programs, and Courses
Don't Cancel that Class Initiative
The "Don't Cancel that Class Initiative" initiative is a collaboration between campus partners; to offer various workshops centered around holistic student success, focusing on learning strategies, overall health and well-being, and financial wellness. Currently, this collaboration is among the Student Success Center, Student Counseling and Wellness, Onestop, and Equity, Diversity, and Intercultural Programs. We invite you to look at the respective offices' workshop offerings and fill out their form directly. Someone from that particular office will contact you and facilitate a workshop in your class.
Mindfulness 101
Facilitator: Jeanne Williamson, LICSW
Mindfulness 101 will review mindfulness as a concept and skill, and several mindfulness practices will be practiced in the class session. Mindfulness is defined as: paying attention, on purpose, in the moment, nonjudgmentally. Mindfulness can help individuals manage stress, gain perspective, experience emotions instead of avoiding them, and relate to the world more effectively.
Strategies for Everyday Wellness
Facilitator: Jeanne Williamson, LICSW
Strategies for Everyday Wellness will introduce students to several concepts and skills to address wellness from a holistic view. The class will start by reviewing stress and the stress response, have discussions around this, and then complete a self-care plan for that week. They will also learn and practice breathing exercises, chair yoga, and review a brief introduction to positive psychology and practice three good things. Can be adjusted/modified as requested.
Stress Management 101
Facilitator: Bridget Joos, MS, LPC
This session will focus on what stress is, how to recognize both negative and positive stress, and how pinpointing symptoms of stress will give you an opportunity to manage it better. Participants will leave the workshop with practical strategies to utilize in managing stress levels. They will learn and practice strategies to reduce stress and anxiety through breathing and visualization. This program is designed to give the participant simple techniques to use in short amounts of time.
Healthy Relationships 101
Facilitator: Bridget Joos, MS, LPC
Healthy Relationships will help students identify the dynamics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships and explore the best ways to communicate, appropriate boundaries, and support as they navigate the difficulty of new or ongoing relationships as a college student. It will also explore how to navigate the ending of relationships.
Reclaiming Happiness
Reclaiming Happiness, PSY 1026, is a one-credit course offered the second half of the semester. This course emerged out of the Quality Initiative on Fostering Student Mental Health and Well-being and is focused on the following positive psychology concepts and interventions: cultivating optimism and positive emotions, rewiring negative bias, identifying personal strengths, gratitude, engagement, meaning and purpose, and positive relationships.
Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing Courses
The Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing enriches health and wellbeing by providing exemplary interprofessional education, conducting rigorous research, delivering innovative engagement programs, and advancing innovative models of care. It is our vision to advance the health and wellbeing of individuals, organizations, and communities through integrative health and healing.
The Bakken Center is located on the Twin Cities campus, and Morris is happy to highlight and connect students in the summer term to available online courses that they can take via multi-i registration. Learn more about multi-i registration.
The following summer courses are typically offered:
- Introduction to Integrative Healing Practices
- Peacebuilding Through Mindfulness
- Healing Imagery 1
- Mind-Body Science and the Art of Transformation
Support Groups
In addition to depression/anxiety psychotherapy, there are also several student-led support groups on campus.
- Abuse Survivors Support group: Facilitated by Someplace Safe. Date/time/location are confidential, so please contact student counseling if you are interested in this group.
- LGBTQIA2S+ Peer Support Group: a student-led support group held on every other Monday at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining this support group please email [email protected].
Available at Wellness Center During Office Hours
- Free condoms, dental dams, and lubricant
- Health and Wellness Library
- Information regarding health and wellness
- Yoga mats and DVDs on yoga and QiGong available for checkout
- Buddha Boards, mandalas, and colored pencils available for checkout
- Relaxation and guided meditation CDs available for checkout
Offered by Peer Health Educators
Fatal Vision
Coordinated with Public Safety, a program offering information and education on drunk driving
Love, Sex, and Banana Splits
A floor program coordinated with residential life staff that provides sexual health information, education, and, of course, banana splits
Love Your Body
Education and information on healthy self-esteem, positive self-concept, and body image
Mindful Moments
A floor program that teaches skills for breathing, meditation, and yoga
Stress Less Program
A floor program coordinated with residential life staff that provides education and practice in reducing everyday stress
Learn a breathing exercise, make stress-balls, color, and more.