UMN Morris safety resources support a healthy community
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to all its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code outlines University expectations and disciplinary offenses.
All students are expected to abide by the University of Minnesota Student Code of Conduct.
Student Behavior Committee
The University of Minnesota Morris is committed to each student’s safety and wellbeing. Campus programs support student wellness, foster the building of healthy respectful relationships, uphold campus policies, and promote individual action to create a safe and violence-free campus.
You Can Make a Difference: Violence Prevention and Bystander Intervention
The Red Flag Campaign is a public awareness campaign that addresses dating violence and sexual assault on college campuses. The campaign uses a positive strategy to help promote healthy relationships. That is, the focus is on bystander intervention. It encourages people to "say something" if they see "red flags" or warning signs of abuse, or sexual violence in friend's relationships.
Morris Campus Public Safety
University of Minnesota Morris Public Safety serves the Morris campus and is responsible for all property owned by the University of Minnesota Morris. Public Safety is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for Morris students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Public Safety provides proactive patrol, crime prevention and safety programs, safe escort services, investigations, parking and law enforcement, building access and security, and emergency services.
Safety and Security Report
The Safety and Security Report is part of the University of Minnesota’s compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (informally known as the “Clery Act”).
MN Office of Higher Education College Sexual Assault Report
The University of Minnesota, Morris publishes data on sexual assault in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 135A.15, subd. 6. These data are also submitted to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.
SAFE-U Emergency Notification
Students, staff, and faculty are automatically enrolled in the SAFE-U emergency notification system. (Be sure to include a cellphone number in your University personal information to receive texts.) You can add two extra phone numbers—for a parent/guardian, spouse/partner, child, or others. You can also register for the Stevens County, Minnesota Instant Alert System.
Violence Prevention and Response
The violence prevention program offers education and prevention efforts to reduce the numbers of personal power based violence occurring on our campus. This includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. We use the Green Dot Model of bystander intervention to reduce rates and have close partnerships with student counseling, campus police, and other community organizations. We partner with a Morris based non-profit, Someplace Safe to offer advocacy for anyone who has been a victim of these crimes.
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Resources for Critical Incident and Emergency Response
Emergency Procedures Posters guide first response.
This first response guide outlines emergency procedures for
- fire
- medical emergencies
- security/criminal activity
- severe weather
You’ll find these posters in campus buildings (often by the main entrances) with additional building emergency information.
Crisis Services
Mental Health Crisis Consultation is always available.
Dangerous crisis situations include suicidal behaviors or threats, homicidal behavior or threats, irrational dangerous behavior, or excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. If you are not sure whether the situation represents immediate danger, err on the side of caution and place the call.
Equal Opportunity, Bias and Sexual Misconduct
EOAA addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, nepotism, sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence) and related retaliation through:
- Investigation
- Informal problem-solving
- Consultation
- Education
Address student misconduct
All students are expected to abide by the University of Minnesota Student Code of Conduct. For assistance in responding to possible student misconduct, contact T.J. Ross or Adrienne Conley.
- University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code
- University of Minnesota Administrative Policy: Resolving Alleged Student Conduct Violations
- Morris student conduct procedures outline student conduct code procedures and process
Report and respond to sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking.
Violence Prevention and Response Poster—This material includes 24-hour emergency response information.
Violence Prevention and Response Folder & Information Inserts—You can make a difference. This material explains the following:
- What is personal power based violence?
- Victim/survivor action steps.
- Employee and student action steps when informed of an incident of assault.
- UMM Violence Prevention and Response Program and Community Partners.
- University of Minnesota Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence Administrative Policy.
- UM Student Conduct Code and UMM Student Behavior Committee Response to Incidents of Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence.
Support During Personal Emergencies
Missing class for legitimate absences
It is the responsibility of students to plan their schedules to avoid excessive conflict with course requirements. The University of Minnesota policy on Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences provides that students not be penalized for absence during the semester due to unavoidable or legitimate circumstances. Such circumstances include illness of the student or the student’s dependent, medical conditions related to pregnancy, subpoenas, jury duty, military service, bereavement, and religious observations. A student must notify instructors of these circumstances as soon as possible and provide documentation if requested by the instructor.
The policy is usually addressed between the student and their instructors. The instructor has the right to request verification for absences from the student or a university office.
Health Service accepts confidential medical information and provides student health excuses.
Student Affairs accepts documentation and works with students and families to provide class excuses and coordinate support for bereavement, an extended health absence, and other personal emergencies.
Support during personal emergencies
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs coordinates support for students experiencing personal emergencies. Contact Student Affairs at 320-589-6013 during university business hours. For support at other times, please contact Student Affairs through Public Safety at 320-589-6000.
Weather Alerts and Severe Weather Procedures
Classes, traveling, parking, and road conditions
In the rare event that Morris cancels classes or closes offices due to severe weather, the Chancellor or another senior administrator works with Communications and Marketing to communicate to the campus (typically by 6 a.m.) including notification to local media—KMRS/KKOK, KUMM, KCCO/WCCO, KXRA, KSAX, KIKV; to the UMM Info Desk; and through university email.
Plan ahead for severe weather. Anyone (faculty, students or staff) who feels unsafe traveling to campus when campus is open and classes are meeting should not come. On such occasions, faculty should contact the appropriate division chair, students should contact their instructors, and staff should contact their supervisors.
If you park off campus, remember to pay attention to snow removal alerts and ordinances for the city of Morris. (If you will be out of town for a long period of time, such as Winter Break, park your car off the street to avoid fines and towing.)
Minnesota 511 provides information on road conditions and closings. You can also register for the Stevens County Instant Alert System.