In February 1974, the Humanities Fine Arts Gallery was established within the new Humanities Fine Arts Building. From 1974 through 2002, the HFA Gallery was under the direction of Dr. Fred Peterson, professor emeritus. Through Dr. Peterson’s direction, the HFA Gallery became a prominent showplace for a range of artists and mediums throughout each academic year. Over the years, the gallery has hosted national touring exhibits, regional exhibits, and a plethora of student exhibits celebrating the creative works and accomplishments of the students at UMN Morris. In the Fall of 2003, Michael Eble, associate professor of studio art took over the leadership of the HFA Gallery and the UMM Permanent Art Collection. He continued to direct the gallery based on its founding mission, by promoting diverse cultural and personal perspectives through both innovative and traditional art exhibitions linking our community with the global art world. In the Fall of 2013, through the generous gift from Edward J. and Helen Jane Morrison, the gallery was renamed.
About Edward J. and Helen Jane Morrison
The gallery was named for long-time UMN Morris supporters and donors, Edward J. and Helen Jane Morrison, honoring their decades of leadership on behalf of the Morris campus. Edward J. Morrison was a founder and former president of the West Central Educational Development Association, an organization that provided vital support to the Morris campus in its earliest years. Helen Jane joined him in his efforts to secure the campus, and additionally served as organizer of Morris's very first concert series, leading eventually to the founding of today's performing arts series. They contributed generously to scholarships over a long period, in addition to their gifts for the gallery renovation and endowment.