Disability Resource Center Faculty & Staff Resources

The University of Minnesota views disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is the campus office that collaborates with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. 

Request Process

Students who wish to request "reasonable accommodations" related to a disability based on the protections under section 504 and the Americans With Disabilities Act must meet with the Disability Resource Coordinator and provide appropriate documentation of the disability. The student and the coordinator will review the disability documentation together and determine reasonable accommodations for each course.

Students eligible for accommodations will distribute their letter of accommodations to their instructors, including having a discussion on how the accommodations will assist in successfully completing the course. If you have any questions about the accommodations, please contact the disability resource center

  • Reasonable means the accommodation will never lower standards or waive essential class requirements.
  • Appropriate means the accommodation will mitigate the specific limitation(s) of the disability.
  • Accommodations cannot fundamentally alter course objectives or diminish course standards.
  • It is the student's responsibility to make accommodation requests in advance, if possible, of their need, as accommodations are not retroactive.
  • Remember to respect the confidentiality of students requesting disability accommodations.

Syllabus Statement

Please include the following statement in your syllabus:

Additional Resources

Please remember that we support faculty & staff as well as students. Please contact the DRC with questions or concerns.