Academic Planning: Sport Management

The top 6 things to consider when planning a major in sport management

  1. Sport Management is a great major for those who enjoy sports and would like the opportunity to discuss and debate topics related to social issues, ethics, leadership, management, marketing, and promotions as well as specific operations of the sport industry. Whether an athlete, recreation participant, fan or non-fan, sports impact us all in some ways. UMN Morris classes offer both practical and theoretical perspectives that engage students in critical-thinking, analysis, and discussion.
  2. Sport Management is an interdisciplinary major with a core set of class delivered by the discipline and other required and elective courses delivered by faculty from disciplines across the campus.
  3. It is highly recommended that students pursuing the Sport Management major do so sequentially as most courses rely on content delivered in earlier courses. Upper-level courses (3000- and 4000-level) are recommended for juniors and seniors in the major as the lower-level courses serve to develop knowledge and understanding of key content that will be applied and elevated among upper-level courses.
  4. The Sport Management major culminates with a capstone project for all seniors as part of SSA 4201, typically in the spring semester of the senior year. Students are required to develop and deliver a policy research paper and presentation both in class and for the UMN Morris campus community through a poster session near the end of the semester.
  5. The Sport Management discipline also offers a minor with a core set of courses and some credits needed as electives.
  6. Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended that students pursuing the Sport Management major complete some type of experiential aspect in sport, especially if they will be seeking employment within the industry upon graduation. Sport Management faculty can help students identify and apply for various roles, some of which occur on the UMN Morris campus and/or within the Morris community.