The top 5 things to consider when planning a major in music
- If you start with a good musical foundation, it is easy for most students to complete a music major in four years. Many students also complete an additional major, or pursue a K-12 teaching license in music. If you are concerned with how this program might fit in with another major, please talk to a music faculty member. We're happy to help you work towards and achieve your goals!
- The first few semesters of the music major are sequential, with courses that need to be taken in a specific order. Once you have completed these foundational courses, there is much more flexibility and choice in how you complete your degree.
- The foundational courses that all students interested in music should start with are Foundations in Music Theory I (Mus 1151, 2 cr.), Foundations in Musicianship I (Mus 1153, 1 cr.), and Foundations in Music History I (Mus 1155, 2 cr.). These are only offered in the fall and are followed by further sequential courses in the spring. If you decide you would rather pursue a music minor after your first year, all of these foundational courses will count towards a music minor.
- Students considering music for a major or minor should enroll in Individual Performance Studies (Mus 1200-1223, 1 cr.), Music Performance Lab (Mus 1000, 0 cr.), and Functional Keyboard for Music Majors (Mus 1111, 1 cr.) their first semester. While seven semesters of Individual Performance Studies and Concert Attendance are usually required, some semesters may be waived depending on a student's performing proficiency and experience. A music faculty member can help assess your specific situation.
- Keyboard allows students to meet piano proficiency requirements; if you have piano experience, consult with a keyboard faculty member for appropriate placement.
- Ensembles are not required for a degree in music, but they can count towards a minor and are required for a K-12 teaching license in music, so students are strongly encouraged to participate. Auditions take place during orientation; please contact the ensemble director for information.