
If you love sports and want to “stay in the game” for life, sport management may be the right path for you. A major in sport management can lay the groundwork for a fulfilling career in sports. 

Sport management is a flexible degree with multiple areas of focus:

  • Management and leadership - leadership theory and the latest management practices
  • Sociocultural - cultural traditions and social values of sport as a microcosm of society
  • Ethics - social responsibility in the sport management setting
  • Marketing - the latest marketing concepts specific to the sports industry
  • Communication - communication principles for success in sports 
  • Budget and finance - financial principles and methods that impact the sports business
  • Law - legal concepts related to sport management 
  • Economics - fundamental economic principles that drive the sports industry
  • Governance - the authority, organizational structure, and functions of the the agencies that govern sports 

The sport management curriculum at UMN Morris gives you a comprehensive view of sports, covering a variety of aspects, from the internal workings of sports organizations to the broader role of sports in our world. As a sport management major, you’ll be able to choose from a wide range of electives to specialize in a particular area of sport-related study, such as anatomy and health, coaching, or psychology.

Degree Requirements

Graduate in 4 Years

Coaching Requirements

In addition to the sport management major, you have the option to complete coursework leading to an endorsement for head varsity coaching in Minnesota:

  • SSA 1101 First Aid
  • SSA 2102 Human Anatomy
  • SSA 2111 Kinesiology
  • SSA 2112 Exercise Physiology
  • SSA 2121 Prevention and Care of Injuries
  • SSA 2131 Theory of Coaching
  • SSA 3201 Coaching Practicum
One of the following courses
  • SSA 2201 Baseball Coaching
  • SSA 2202 Basketball Coaching
  • SSA 2203 Football Coaching
  • SSA 2204 Softball Coaching
  • SSA 2205 Track and Field Coaching
  • SSA 2206 Volleyball Coaching
  • SSA 2208 Soccer Coaching

Student Learning Outcomes

By completing a degree in sport management you will be able to

  • demonstrate collaboration and communication skills through written, verbal, and multimedia forms;
  • apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to sport-related issues;
  • investigate sport-related issues and technology applications at a global level; and
  • interpret and construct examples of ethical sport leadership.

General Education Requirements

The University of Minnesota and its faculty are committed to providing an education that invites you to investigate the world from new perspectives, learn new ways of thinking, and grow as an active citizen and lifelong learner. The University’s general education requirements are designed to be integrated throughout your four-year undergraduate experience. These courses provide you an opportunity to explore fields outside your major and complement your major curriculum with a multidisciplinary perspective.

Careers & Graduate School


Sport management is a flexible major that can lead to a career in a wide range of sports-related fields, such as:

  • Marketing
  • Communications
  • Coaching
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Product development
  • Public relations
  • Facilities management
  • Event coordination
  • Fundraising
  • Athletic administration
  • Scouting
  • Promotions
  • Community relations
  • Social media

One example of a job in sport management may be working with other sports professionals to effectively run and expand sports teams and franchises. Another may be working in sports communications or in sporting events management. Or you may work as a representative for athletes as an agent or in a players’ association or union. Many UMN Morris graduates with a sport management degree have gone on to work in different capacities for the Vikings, the Twins, and the Wild, not to mention other national franchise organizations. Those are just a few examples of where a sport management degree from UMN Morris may take you.

Graduate School

A degree in sport management provides you with the background, prerequisites, and credentials to continue your education with a graduate program.

Research & Engagement


As a UMN Morris student, you’re strongly encouraged to take part in academic opportunities outside the classroom. Participating in research or partnering with other students or faculty on a sport management-related project allows you to put into practice what you are learning as an undergraduate.

As a sport management student, you’ll have access to programs that make these opportunities possible.


UMN Morris is an NCAA Division III school that competes in the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) with more than 350 student-athletes participating on 19 teams—10 for women and 9 for men. Having access to these active athletic programs means that you’ll have ample opportunities to engage with sports on campus and put your class work into practice.

In addition, you’ll be able to further pursue your academic interests in sport management by taking part in research and projects that will enhance your knowledge of the field. This will help you begin to build a network of peers and professionals that can steer you toward a successful career.

If you’re interested in doing directed study on an independent research project, financial support for student research is available through many venues.


Quick Facts

Program Offerings
  • Major
  • Minor


University of Minnesota Morris
Welcome Center
600 E Fourth Street
Morris, MN 56267
