Academic Planning: Statistics

The top 4 things to consider when planning a major in statistics

  1. Calculus I and II are required for the Probability & Stochastic Processes and Mathematical Statistics courses. It is advised to complete this math sequence early so that students have flexibility in completing the major. Students considering graduate school in statistics will also need to complete Calculus III and Linear Algebra to be considered for admission. This makes it even more important to complete Calculus I and II early, providing the necessary flexibility to complete the degree program AND be ready for graduate school should this become the student's goal.
  2. We find students perform better in Mathematical Statistics after taking the Probability and Stochastic Processes course. This isn’t a formal prerequisite but rather an informal suggestion from faculty and former students.
  3. It should be noted that several core courses are only offered in specific semesters: Data Analysis (Fall), Probability and Stochastic Processes (Fall), Mathematical Statistics (Spring).
  4. In general, a statistics major will need to be proficient in mathematics, statistics, computing, and some aspects of data science. Thus, we encourage students to complete work in all of these areas. We also find it helpful if a student can develop another application area of statistics such as economics, psychology, biology, etc. This gives an applied context for the statistical methods that are learned in the major.