
Data science generally is the study of data, or factual information, that can be processed and analyzed to provide meaningful insights, often for marketing and business purposes. It is one of the fastest-growing job segments in the U.S. and in several other countries, likely because of the increased demand for data and the higher level of job satisfaction in the data science field. When coupled with a strong technical major like computer science, statistics, or mathematics, a data science minor helps provide a good basis for pursuing a career in these fields.

The data science curriculum at UMN Morris incorporates statistics and computer science courses, but has its own techniques, concerns, and professional communities. The material from this discipline is so new that it is constantly changing. As a data science student, you will learn how to navigate through the changing, lesser known areas as you become familiar with data science techniques and processes. You will also learn how to compile data through processing data sets, comprehend the underlying theory behind the data, and learn how to code.

Potential sub plan areas include:

Degree Requirements

Student Learning Outcomes

By completing a minor in data science, you will be able to

  • understand the ethical implications inherent in the data science field;
  • apply your knowledge, skills, and experiences to correctly deal with data (data acumen);
  • process a data set from start to finish;
  • properly communicate data science ideas and results to both broad and specialized audiences; and
  • pursue future studies or careers in data science.

General Education Requirements

The University of Minnesota and its faculty are committed to providing an education that invites you to investigate the world from new perspectives, learn new ways of thinking, and grow as an active citizen and lifelong learner. The University’s general education requirements are designed to be integrated throughout your four-year undergraduate experience. These courses provide you an opportunity to explore fields outside your major and complement your major curriculum with a multidisciplinary perspective.

Careers & Graduate School


A data science minor paired with most any major positions you to be competitive in any career field.

Graduate School

Completion of the data science minor with a few extra math courses would satisfy the application requirements for a masters degree in data science at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. And if you have a background in management or economics, you will be well positioned to apply for the Carlson School of Management's MS in business analytics.

Research & Engagement


Undergraduate research is a perfect pairing with the data science minor—opening the door not only for more research opportunities that incorporate big data, but also increasing the opportunity for data-driven service-based initiatives. Being involved with these projects will not only expand your portfolio, but can lead to more opportunities later on.

There are currently many data science projects for you to participate in at UMN Morris—more than UMN Morris can find students for—one of which involves analyzing real-world energy production data at the university for the purposes of increasing efficiency in a local and meaningful way.

An example of a final project for the data science minor is creating a web application that involves a number of technical and creative decisions. It is through such projects that you can learn and present information in a meaningful and impactful way.


A minor allows you to explore areas outside of your major, while also offering a sense of community between others. As a data science minor you may be interested in related student organizations like the Computer Science Club, American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and Math Club.

Quick Facts

Program Offerings
  • Minor


University of Minnesota Morris
Welcome Center
600 E Fourth Street
Morris, MN 56267
