Creative Writing Minor for Non-English Majors
When you minor in creative writing as a non-English major, you’ll take several classes focusing on different styles of creative writing, along with other types of writing, like sports, environmental, and essay writing. You’ll also look at literature from the perspective of a writer, taking into consideration how authors build plot, create characters, design their world, and use language in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. As a creative writing minor, you’ll participate in a public reading of your own work.
Small classes will allow you to create connections with other students and faculty. You will read your classmates’ work and learn how to provide and receive feedback. You’ll receive individual attention from published faculty members who will closely analyze your work to help you improve your written and oral communication skills. You’ll also have the opportunity to interact with visiting writers.
The creative writing program is extremely flexible and is easy to pair with any major.
Degree Requirements
Graduate in Four Years
Student Learning Outcomes
By completing a minor in creative writing, you will be able to
- demonstrate a basic knowledge of critical approaches and practices of literary study;
- demonstrate a basic knowledge of literary history;
- analyze both primary and secondary texts;
- use writing skills and processes to achieve specific goals; and
- demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the expository and creative uses of the English language.
General Education Requirements
The University of Minnesota and its faculty are committed to providing an education that invites you to investigate the world from new perspectives, learn new ways of thinking, and grow as an active citizen and lifelong learner. The University’s general education requirements are designed to be integrated throughout your four-year undergraduate experience. These courses provide you an opportunity to explore fields outside your major and complement your major curriculum with a multidisciplinary perspective.
Transferring Credit
Careers & Graduate School
Graduate School
UMN Morris students interested in creative writing have gone on to graduate school or additional schooling for creative writing.
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Hamline University
- Arcadia University
- Arizona State University
- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Costs & Aid
The University of Minnesota Morris is a national public liberal arts college committed to making a high-quality education available to students from across the country. Expenses for housing, meals, books and supplies, transportation, loan fees, and personal expenditures can vary.
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Scholarships are a type of financial aid awarded to you and are often based on specific criteria, such as your major, GPA, or financial need.
Research & Engagement
As a UMN Morris student, you’ll have access to programs that make research opportunities possible. Students in the English discipline have presented their work nationally and even in Dublin, Ireland.
English faculty members can help you with obtaining funding so that you can take advantage of opportunities to develop and present your creative works and research projects.
As a UMN Morris student, you’re strongly encouraged to take part in academic opportunities outside the classroom. Partnering with other students or faculty on a literature or writing-related project allows you to put into practice what you are learning as an undergraduate.
UMN Morris English students and faculty are among the most active on campus. With ample opportunities for students, you may be able to
- edit or contribute to campus publications;
- give a public reading;
- join Floating World, the campus creative writing club;
- participate in a community-outreach program;
- assist other students at the Writing Center;
- serve as a research assistant to a faculty member; or
- volunteer at the Prairie Gate Literary Festival.
Opportunities for Students
The Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) offers students an opportunity to present research plus scholarly and creative work. Types of presentations include posters, oral presentations, and short or abbreviated theatrical, dance, or musical performances.
- Creative Activity
- Research
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) provides University of Minnesota undergraduates from every college, major, and discipline, the opportunity to partner with a faculty member on research or creative projects.
- Creative Activity
- Research
The University of Minnesota Morris offers the Morris Academic Partnership (MAP) program, in which faculty select academically talented, qualified second-year and third-year students to assist them in scholarly and creative projects. Selected MAP students undertake assignments intended to enhance their intellectual competence and increase their interest in graduate or professional study.
- Creative Activity
- Morris Academic Partnership (MAP)
- Research
- Student Employment
Quick Facts
- Minor