Scholars Stipend

The Morris or Distinguished stipend can help cover expenses to participate in an enrichment experience.

When you come across an opportunity or experience that will have an increased cost to you to participate and increase your university cost of attendance, the Morris or Distinguished Scholars stipend can help to fill the gap.

Study Abroad

Stipend funds can be used to cover an approved program or travel costs for a study abroad or study away course (separate from tuition).  Only affiliated programs are able to use university funding such as the stipend. Visit the ACE webpage to begin the process to study abroad.

National Student Exchange

Visit for information and opportunities.

Conference Travel
  • Stipend funds can be used to cover travel and registration fees. This should be for an academic conference.
  • Write a brief 250–300 word statement on how conference participation benefits your UMN Morris academic goals. A budget should be included in this document.

The internship must demonstrate academic relevance via registration for credit or faculty letter of academic relevance. Costs reimbursable are those that are only incurred due to the internship (ie. additional rent payments, mileage over 50 miles). Students must a submit copy letter of acceptance with contact info for supervisor, copy of rental contract if using for housing. ACE reserves the right to contact supervisors for additional information

Independent Project, Research, or Other

Submit no more than two pages detailing:

  1. Overview of the project
  2. Significance to studies at UMN Morris
  3. Work plan and timeline
  4. Budget
  5. Expected outcomes

A faculty or staff mentor should be identified with this proposal in case of follow-up questions.

As per University policy, stipend funds cannot be used to cover tuition, textbooks, food, clothing or personal items, salary, or any expense outside the proposed request. Any non-consumable items like equipment, tools, or books purchased with stipend funds are the property of UMN Morris and must be returned at the completion of the project. Any adjustments to proposed budget expenditures must be approved by ACE.

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Before requesting your stipend

Students requesting their stipend must have completed two consecutive semesters at UMN Morris and at least 30 cumulative credits, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5. The stipend may be used during the second, third, or fourth year. Students may request smaller amounts of the stipend total to cover more than one enrichment activity.

How to request your stipend

The Academic Center for Enrichment (ACE) and Office of Financial Aid will review and approve all requests before the beginning of an enrichment experience. Requests cannot be accepted for activities done prior to stipend approval. Students are highly encouraged to start this process early to avoid complications.

Requests should be submitted a minimum of 30 days before the beginning any enrichment activity.

  1. Request your the use of your stipend 30 days in advance (or the semester before your experience, depending upon your planning).
  2. Student will receive an email from ACE confirming or denying the stipend request within 30 days of submission.
  3. For some experiences students may need to submit receipts.

Post-stipend use

Stipend funds are a part of a students financial aid. The stipend funds will be deposited in the student's University account. The student is responsible to spend the monies responsibly and within established guidelines.

Unless a graduating senior, the student must complete one additional semester of coursework at UMN Morris or complete their degree at UMN Morris after the stipend is awarded or repay the full stipend amount back to the University.  

For independent projects students will submit a written report about their stipend experience (including all receipts). ACE and UMN Morris may use these reports for assessment and recruitment.

Unspent funds, unapproved or inappropriate use of funds must be repaid to UMN Morris.

Request Your Stipend

Note: forms are due 30 days before the semester of your program.

All proposals for an enrichment activity must have a relationship to the student’s academic pursuit of a degree, whether in the areas of General Education requirements or the completion of a major or minor in an academic program.

As per University policy, stipend funds can not be used to cover tuition, textbooks, food, clothing or personal items, salary, or any expense outside the proposed request.  Any non-consumable items like equipment, tools, or books purchased with stipend funds are the property of UMN Morris and must be returned at the completion of the project.  Any adjustments to proposed budget expenditures must be approved by ACE.

Procedure to Activate Stipend

Complete the Google Form for the term in which you would like to use your stipend.

  • Study away uses already have a cost estimate sent to Financial Aid.
  • Research, Internships, or other need to have a budget submitted. Send to Stephanie Ferrian


Spring 2024 Stipend Request

May/Summer 2024 Stipend Request

 Fall and Spring 2024-25 Stipend Request