Second annual Morris Challenge Rural Youth Institute at UMN Morris in November

Sue Dieter

The University of Minnesota Morris is hosting its second annual Morris Challenge Rural Youth Institute on two dates in November. High school students and teachers from throughout west central Minnesota will learn more about renewable energy and community sustainability efforts throughout the Morris area. 

This interactive, one-day event will encourage students and their teachers to create connections and gain the “know how” needed to address the sustainability challenges in their own rural community.  Because of increased student participation, this year’s event will be held on two dates:  Nov. 8 and 15.   

Morris Challenge Rural Youth Institute participants will connect with UMN Morris faculty, staff, and students who care about sustainability, as well as experts from throughout the Morris community who have helped in these efforts.  

As part of the event, participants will tour green energy projects in the city of Morris, the Morris Area schools, and the UMN Morris campus.  

According to Morris Challenge Director Doug Reed, the mission of the Morris Challenge Rural Youth Institute is to encourage current and future generations of rural youth to seize the opportunities of a sustainable future. 

“Youth voices are essential to creating thriving rural communities. As a public land-grant institution, UMN Morris is particularly well-positioned to support rural young people in exploring how to help their schools and communities start on their own sustainability journey.”

Area high schools that will be participating include: Alexandria; Ashby; Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa; Benson; Bertha-Hewitt; Chokio Alberta; Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley; Herman-Norcross; Kalon Prep; Kimball Area; Minnewaska Area; Montevideo; Morris Area; Osakis; and ROCORI.

For more details, contact Morris Challenge Director Doug Reed at or 320.589.6453