News Archive

A smiling woman, with short brown hair, wearing a striped shirt.

Windy Roberts named Horace T. Morse Award recipient

University of Minnesota Morris teaching specialist in Spanish Windy González Roberts, is a recipient of the 2022–2023 Horace T. Morse - University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. 

Chris Droske

Alumni Spotlight: Chris Droske '11

Chris Droske ’11 currently serves as the energy manager for the City of Minneapolis. He cites opportunities outside the classroom at UMN Morris for helping him to be set up for success. 

Gil Jordan

Economic Justice Is Theme of UMN Morris MLK Day Program

The University of Minnesota Morris’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. program will focus on Dr. King's advocacy around economic justice. The program features speakers Kyle Parker and Gil Jordan, from the organization ClipDart.