Environmental Studies Internships

Internships are a required element of the environmental studies major. During the pre-internship seminar (ENST 3988) students explore their interests, learn about the process of finding an internship, and learn from previous students about their recent internship experiences.  Following the pre-internship seminar, students work individually with the environmental studies internship coordinator to identify specific opportunities.

After completing the internship, students enroll in the post-internship seminar (ENST 3989) to process their experience through reflective writing and presentations, and interacting with students in the pre-internship seminar.

Selected organizations with which our students have in recent years interned or engaged in field or research experiences include:

Agriculture and Food

Research Experiences

Conserving potato diversity in the Andean Altiplano (student-designed project)

Conservation and Water Resources

Environmental/Outdoor Education and Leadership
