Summit Scholars—TRIO Student Support Services
Summit Scholars - TRIO Student Support Services, a U.S. Department of Education supported program, promotes access, equal opportunity, and success for students who are first-generation in college, students who are low income, and students who have disabilities.
Grounded in the civil rights movement and the War on Poverty, TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) provides inclusive and accessible services, including academic support, financial wellness education, FAFSA assistance, career and graduate school exploration, cultural enrichment, and cohort-building programming. The TRIO SSS program seeks to remove institutional and cultural barriers, foster a climate that values the social and cultural capital of our students, and promote retention to graduation.
Personal and Social
- Support from a community of students who are committed to their and others' success
- Access to a comfortable student lounge and study area that's stocked with snacks and personal care items
- Free tickets to Performing Arts Series events
- Participation in student-led programming including game nights, bowling, and cookouts
- Participation in cultural events co-hosted with the Native American Student Success program
- Individualized professional academic coaching - assistance with building connections and navigating campus life
- Mentoring from experienced and specially trained Morris students
- Participation in study skills workshops and individual consultations
- Connections to campus resources including Peer Assisted Learning, tutoring, and the personal librarian program
- FAFSA assistance and financial aid navigation
- Participation in financial wellness workshops co-hosted with One Stop and West Central MN Communities Action
- Access to the free tax preparation appointments co-hosted with West Central MN Communities Action
- Opportunity to apply for scholarships exclusive to TRIO participants
- Opportunity to apply for summer Office of Residential housing voucher (reserved for up to 20 Summit Scholars participants each year)
Career and Graduate School
- Participation in career and graduate school exploration workshops co-hosted with Career Services and McNair Scholars
- Free StrengthsFinder assessment
- Participation in graduate and professional school tours co-hosted with McNair Scholars
- Access to test preparation (GRE, MCAT, etc.) materials
- Access to professional clothing closet