
The pre-medicine program at UMN Morris will guide you through every stage of your undergraduate education in preparing you for medical school. The academic rigor and interdisciplinary strength of UMN Morris’s liberal arts campus will greatly enhance your pre-med education. You’ll gain the knowledge, experience, and support you need to be ready for medical school.

As a student following the pre-medicine program at UMN Morris, you will pursue a major of your choosing—there is no required undergraduate major for admission into medical school—while taking courses that meet the prerequisites for medical school. As long as you complete the prerequisites for medical school, it doesn't matter which major you choose. The medical school prerequisites overlap most with a biology major; however, there are benefits to choosing a major other than biology, as pre-professional healthcare programs value a well-rounded academic background. Commonly declared majors for those going on to medical school are biology, chemistry, physics, and psychology. Your academic adviser will help you coordinate your pre-med courses with your major and general education requirements. In addition, a pre-health adviser will work with you to help with course selection, career information, medical college admission test (MCAT)Ⓡ planning and preparation, and medical school selection. 
You’ll also work with other pre-med students in a cooperative, rather than competitive, atmosphere.

UMN Morris is one of few undergraduate colleges that provides a human cadaver for anatomy courses, a valuable resource for the pre-medicine program. Moreover, the campus has a cooperative relationship with Stevens County Ambulance Service, which allows UMN Morris pre-med students to receive course credit for preparing to work as an EMT during the academic year.

Degree Requirements

As a UMN Morris student following the pre-medicine track, you will need to complete the degree requirements for your chosen major. Pre-medicine itself is not a major or minor that you can earn as a degree at UMN Morris. It is a pre-professional program to keep you on track in preparing for medical school as you pursue your major(s) and minor(s), while providing you with a well-rounded liberal arts education.

UMN Morris offers several courses across different disciplines that will help prepare you for medical school. Medical schools traditionally require a minimum of a full year of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics (trigonometry- or calculus-based). Note that every medical school has its own specific set of prerequisite courses, and these change occasionally. Up-to-date prerequisites are usually listed on medical school’s admissions website. As you plan your courses, it’s a good idea to keep a close eye on the prerequisite information of any medical school you are interested in.

Although some medical schools have become more flexible about specific requirements, UMN Morris’s pre-health advising committee suggests keeping the following in mind:

Admission to medical school is competitive. Successful candidates generally take courses well beyond the minimum requirements, especially in biology. Should you eventually decide on a different healthcare profession, the prerequisites for other healthcare professional schools tend to resemble the more traditional medical school requirements.

Before attempting the MCATⓇ exam, we recommend completing certain courses. Suggested courses—descriptions for all of which can be found in the course catalog—are as follows, along with a recommended schedule.

Suggested Pre-Medicine Courses

  • Chem 1101. General Chemistry I.
  • Chem 1102. General Chemistry II (prereq Chem 1101).
  • Chem 2301. Organic Chemistry I (prereq Chem 1102).
  • Chem 2311. Organic Chemistry Lab (coreq Chem 2301).
  • Chem 2302. Organic Chemistry II (prereq Chem 2301).
  • Biol 1111. Fundamentals of Genetics, Evolution, and Development.
  • Biol 2111. Cell Biology (prereq Biol 1101, Chem 1102).
  • Biol 2102. Human Anatomy.
  • Biol 2103. Introduction to Human Physiology (prereq Biol 2102).
  • Biol 3121. Molecular Biology (prereq Biol 2111, Chem 2301). Biol 4211. Biochemistry (prereq Biol 2111, Biol 3121, Chem 2302)
  • Biol 4312. Genetics (prereq Biol 2111).
  • One semester of Math 1101. Calculus I. or Math 1021. Survey of Calculus.
Calculus-based physics courses for physics or chemistry majors:
  • Phys 1101. General Physics I (prereq Math 1101).
  • Phys 1102. General Physics II (prereq Phys 1101, Math 1102).
Trigonometry-based physics courses for other majors:
  • Phys 1091. Principles of Physics I.
  • Phys 1092. Principles of Physics II (prereq Phys 1091).
Other courses:
  • Psy 1051. Introduction to Psychology.
  • Soc 1101. Introductory Sociology.
  • Stats 2601. Statistical Methods (prereq Math 1101 or Math 1021). or Stats 1601. Introduction to Statistics.
  • Phil 1103. Introduction to Ethics. Or another course in ethics
  • Phil 1103. Introduction to Ethics. At least one upper-level (3000 or 4000) course in the humanities or social sciences.
    • Chem 1101. General Chemistry
    • Math 1012. Precalculus (if necessary)
    • Biol 1111. Fundamentals of Genetics, Evolution, and Development
  • Chemistry/biochemistry/physics majors: start calculus and physics courses
  • Chemistry: Chem 1102 - General Chemistry II
  • Biol 2111. Cell Biology
  • Biol 2102. Human Anatomy (or in year 3)
  • Chem 2301. Organic Chemistry I
  • Chem 2311. Organic Chemistry I Lab
  • Biol 3121. Molecular Biology
  • Biol 2103. Introduction to Human Physiology (or in year 3)
  • Chem 2302. Organic Chemistry II
  • Biol 4211. Biochemistry (Bio 4611, the lab component, is highly recommended, especially for those who do not take Chem 2321.)
  • Phys 1091. Principles of Physics I (Chemistry/biochemistry/physics majors must take the Phys 1101/1102 sequence plus Math 1101/1102.)
  • Biol 4312. Genetics
  • Phsy 1092. Principles of Physics II
  • Take the MCAT
  • Apply to medical school
  • Psy 1051. Introduction to Psychology*
  • Soc 1101. Introductory Sociology*
  • Stats 1601/2601*
  • Math 1101/1102 (if required by your major or by a medical school to which you plan to apply)
  • Phil 2111. Introduction to Ethics, or another course in ethics
  • One 3000+-level course in humanities or social science with a significant writing component

General Education Requirements

The University of Minnesota and its faculty are committed to providing an education that invites you to investigate the world from new perspectives, learn new ways of thinking, and grow as an active citizen and lifelong learner. The University’s general education requirements are designed to be integrated throughout your four-year undergraduate experience. These courses provide you an opportunity to explore fields outside your major and complement your major curriculum with a multidisciplinary perspective.

Careers & Graduate School


A career in medicine is an outstanding way to serve others. There are many healthcare professions in which you can share your intellect, gifts, compassion, and education to help others, such as the following.

  • Combined MD/PhD
  • Physician assistants
  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Osteopathic medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Optometry
  • Podiatry
  • Forensic science
  • Chiropractic medicine
  • Genetic counseling
  • Public health
  • Public health
  • Medical assistant

Graduate School

Heading to medical school with a UMN Morris degree will make a difference. Medical school acceptance rates of UMN Morris graduates are significantly higher than the national average. In recent years, UMN Morris graduates have been accepted at medical schools like:

  • Duke University
  • Medical College of Wisconsin
  • St. Louis University
  • Temple University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Minnesota Duluth
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • University of Nebraska
  • University of North Dakota
  • University of South Dakota
  • Wright State University

Admission into medical school is extremely competitive. Students who attend UMN Morris and earn good grades while gaining pertinent extracurricular experience have a very good chance of being accepted into medical school. Most UMN Morris graduates with a 3.5 or higher GPA have been accepted to accredited United States Doctor of Medicine (MD) programs and/or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) programs.

In addition to good grades and a strong MCAT score, you will need the best possible academic preparation and relevant extracurricular experience.

Medical School

It's a long road to medical school, and the process begins sooner than you think. The MCAT Exam and the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) are key to the medical school application process. Be sure to review the material on their websites thoroughly. You are ultimately responsible for making sure that your medical school application files are complete.

Take the following steps throughout your undergraduate career.

Freshman Year

  • In the first week of General Chemistry, put your name on the pre-med sign-up list that will be distributed in class.
  • Talk with your adviser about your pre-med plans and confirm that you are registered for the right classes.
  • Attend the freshman pre-med informational meeting mid-fall. You will be notified of the event via email.
  • Start thinking about study away and patient care opportunities to pursue outside of class or during breaks.

Sophomore Year

  • Continue to work with your adviser to ensure that you are taking the right courses and getting valuable patient care experience outside of class.

Junior Year

  • In the fall semester, register for an MCAT exam date.
  • Attend the junior pre-med informational meeting in the spring semester to learn more about the MCAT and the application process. If you are on the pre-med email list, you will receive an email about this meeting.
  • Form an MCAT study group.
  • Start talking to people about writing letters of recommendation on your behalf.
  • Start thinking about what you are going to write in your personal statement (part of the medical school application).

Summer after Junior Year

  • Take the MCAT exam (June is best for most people).
  • In June, open your AMCAS application account, enter your grades and other information immediately, and work on your personal statement.
  • Submit your AMCAS application before the end of June, if at all possible. Be ready to complete and submit secondary applications as they come in.
  • Confirm that your letters of recommendation have been submitted and received by AMCAS.

Senior Year

  • Interview at medical schools.
  • Enjoy your acceptance letters!

Although it's offered many times throughout the year, plan to take the MCAT by the end of June if possible. You will need to register for this date months in advance. Register at the MCAT website after your desired test date opens. In addition, keep in mind:

  • The MCAT is required for all medical schools.
  • The MCAT is not offered at UMN Morris.
  • Use the MCAT preparation material available in bookstores and at the MCAT website. 
  • The MCAT test takes more than six hours.
  • The test has four sections:
    • Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
    • Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
    • Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
    • Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
  • You can take the MCAT more than once if necessary, but all scores will be on your record. Your goal should be to take it just once.
  • Your MCAT score will be added to your AMCAS application. Your MCAT score is given considerable weight by admissions committees.
AMCAS Application

The AMCAS is “a non profit, centralized application processing service for applicants to the first-year entering classes at participating United States medical schools.” You need to fill out an online application. AMCAS then transmits copies of the application and your MCAT score to the medical schools you designate. Establish an AMCAS account as soon as it becomes available (early May) and enter your grades right away. This will initiate the grade verification process, which can take several weeks. Then you can work on the other parts of the application over the summer. Many medical schools (including UMN Twin Cities and Duluth) have rolling admissions so it’s good to start early.

After reviewing your AMCAS application, a medical school that decides you meet its minimum criteria will send you a secondary application. This and the accompanying letters of recommendation will determine whether or not you get an interview for that school.

Note that Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) schools are not serviced by AMCAS. To apply to most DO schools you will use a similar service called AACOMAS.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are sent to AMCAS and, per your instructions, AMCAS distributes them to medical schools, usually to be considered with a secondary application. There are three types of recommendations: individual letters, pre-med committee letters, and pre-med committee packets. UMN Morris does not send committee letters or packets, so you will be sending individual letters.

You should arrange to have three or four letters to be written for you: at least one should come from a science/math professor (a member of the pre-med committee if possible) and at least one from a non-academic recommender (e.g., a supervisor at one of your healthcare-related jobs or experiences or a doctor with whom you have shadowed extensively). Start talking with people in March or April about writing letters for you. Confirm that individual letters have been sent to AMCAS.

Different medical schools have different requirements for letters of recommendation, and these change frequently. You will receive, along with your secondary applications from each school, specific instructions regarding letter requirements. Read these instructions carefully, and work with your letter coordinator to make sure that you are sending the appropriate materials to each school. Confirm directly with each medical school admissions office that all letters and forms have arrived and have been put in your file.

Personal Statement

The personal statement, or essay, is one of the most important things you will ever write. Plan to review and revise many times. Seek feedback from several people. Be specific about events and experiences that influenced your decision to become a physician. Be concrete and organize your thoughts into strong paragraphs.

Research & Engagement

Medical schools want to be sure future professionals know what it will be like to work in healthcare, whether in patient care or research. They require applicants to have significant medical experience that reflects aptitude and passion for the field of medicine. As a small-town campus with a Big 10 research university affiliation, UMN Morris is uniquely situated to provide beyond-the-classroom medical opportunities.


UMN Morris offers multiple stipend programs for those who want to conduct undergraduate research and an annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at which to present findings.

Off-campus opportunities include:


Medical schools are looking for experience in a healthcare setting where you have responsibility for someone else’s care. At UMN Morris, you’ll be able to volunteer, work as a nurse’s aid or EMT (emergency medical technician with the local ambulance service), or even shadow local doctors, all at facilities close to campus.

Medical school admissions committees also appreciate health-related global experiences, particularly if they involve learning or improving a second language. Contact UMN Morris’s Academic Center for Enrichment for more information about how you can get involved with a local, national, or global program.

UMN Morris has an extensive Community Engagement office that can help you find a medical-related opportunity in Morris or the surrounding community. There are also several great service learning opportunities, many of which provide course credit.

In addition to the options mentioned above, you can find or create your own opportunities to gain valuable medical experience by taking advantage of fall, winter, spring, and summer breaks to pursue opportunities in your own hometown via family or community connections. 

Here are some examples that recent UMN Morris students on the pre-medicine path have pursued:

  • Pre-med shadowing program at Centricare
  • Volunteering with University of Minnesota Fairview Medical Center
  • Summer Scholars Program, Ohio University School of Medicine
  • Summer hospital internship, Granite Falls, MN
  • Pre-med summer internship at Avera, Marshall, MN 
  • Minnesota Future Doctors 
  • Native Americans into Medicine 
  • UMN Morris Peer Health Educators
  • Summer mentored Undergraduate Research Fellowship at Mayo Clinic
  • Central African Medical Mission
  • Health Professions Advanced Summer Scholars
  • Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation internships

You may also wish to explore the AMCAS online database of enrichment programs available on medical school campuses throughout the country.

Quick Facts

Program Offerings
  • Pre-Professional


University of Minnesota Morris
Welcome Center
600 E Fourth Street
Morris, MN 56267
