Academic Affairs
- Academic Programs
- Class Schedule
- Curriculum Committee
- Dean's List
- Faculty Deadlines
- Faculty Openings
- Faculty Research Enhancement Funds (FREF)
- Faculty/Staff resources
- Morris Academic Support Resources
- Online Learning
- Organizational Structure
- Promotion and Tenure
- Summer Term
- UMN Morris Catalog
- UMN Morris Reports
- Faculty & Staff Resources
- Student Academic Grievance Procedures
- Determine position availability. In consultation, the Division Chair, Dean and Chancellor agree that there is a position open, the nature of the position, the specific discipline and area, the rank and salary range, and any start-up funds that might be needed.
- The Division Chair appoints a Search Committee and Chair. The committee must include at least one person from outside of the discipline, one person representing a minority group on campus, and a student.
- The Division Chair, consulting with appropriate Division/discipline faculty, Search Committee, etc., composes a position description, selection criteria, and any advertisements.
- The Division Chair submits the online Requisition for approval by the Dean.
- The Search Committee has its first official meeting, which must include the Dean and the Affirmative Action Officer, to discuss the recruitment process. Division Chairs may wish to attend.
- Search Committee reads applications, selects top 3–10 for closer scrutiny. Normally, no search will proceed unless at least one candidate in this pool is from an underrepresented group.
- Search Committee submits the interview pool for approval. Submit the Pool Approval memo to the Human Resource Office for UMM campus approval, prior to doing any telephone or on-campus interviews.
- Once the Affirmative Action Officer and Dean have approved the interview pool, the full Search Committee narrows the list to 2–4 candidates for on-campus interviews, through further scrutiny of credentials and references or by conducting (optional) preliminary telephone interviews or interviews at conferences.
- The Committee submits the short list of candidates to the Division Chair and Dean for approval.
- Conduct interviews. Once approved by the Dean, the Search Committee schedules on-campus interviews for the candidates, after checking the schedule of the Chancellor, Dean, and other interviewers.
- Search Committee gathers reactions from participants in on-campus interviews and makes its formal written recommendation/report to the Division Chair, citing the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates interviewed.
- Approval to make offer. The Division Chair submits Pool Approval memo, page 2, to Human Resources for routing for approval to hire.
- Once approved, the Division Chair may inform the candidate of the status of the search and receive a verbal acceptance.
- Prepare Appointment Form and Letter of Offer. Upon receipt of approval to hire, an Appointment Form must be completed. (Attach candidate’s CV and official transcript.) Letters of offer for full-time positions will be prepared in the Chancellor’s Office for signature by the Dean. Part-time/rehire letters are prepared in the division/department with a copy to the Dean. Departments are responsible for communicating to applicants that the position has been filled.