Scholastic Committee Policies

Multi Institutional Enrollment

Read the policy

Adviser Approval to Register

Adviser approval is required for registration and annual planning for students with fewer than 90 credits.

Athletic Eligibility

Students entering UMM with no prior post-high school college experience are eligible to play athletics for their first two semesters of attendance. Transfer students are eligible to play for their first semester at Morris if and only if they would have been eligible at their former institutions. For all other students, eligibility is based on maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or higher. Campus Assembly, May 2007.

Catalog and Requirement Expiration

Any student who completed General Education requirements completed under any previous catalog may complete the bachelor of arts using those requirements. Major requirements are under the jurisdiction of the faculty. All other degree requirements—total credits, residency, GPA calculation, etc.—will follow semester standards and current policies.


  • Students in elementary education and secondary education must complete licensure requirements and apply for licensure within seven years from the time of admission to the licensure program. After seven years, all education courses previously taken become void and must be retaken for licensure. Minnesota State Board of Teaching Requirement.
  • Degree applications on file with balance sheet, old APAS reports, and correspondence that defines requirements to be completed will be honored and reasonable effort will be made to allow students to graduate based on this agreement.


Faculty can allow major requirements under an expired catalog to be completed.

Precedents and business practice

On file, approved Scholastic Committee petitions may be used as a guideline for granting similar requests that allow students to complete degree requirements using expired General Education. Campus Assembly approval May 2006.

Commencement Ceremony, Participation In

Students who are within 15 credits of the 120 required for graduation and who can verify registration in courses that will complete all outstanding credits and requirements may participate in the ceremony as a graduating senior. Scholastic Committee 1980, reaffirmed 1991, verification of registration formalized 2005.

Credit Maximum Policy

Spring and Fall Semesters

Twenty (20) credits is the maximum number of credits per semester for which a student will be allowed to enroll without approval. Empowered by the Scholastic Committee, the Registrar’s approval is a requirement for students to enroll for more than 20 credits in a semester. If the request is denied, the student may appeal to the Scholastic Committee.

 Summer Term

Twelve (12) credits is the maximum number of total credits for which a student will be allowed to enroll without approval. Summer term comprises May session, summer session I, and summer session II. Empowered by the Scholastic Committee, the Registrar’s approval is a requirement for students to enroll in more than 12 total credits for the three sessions. If the request is denied, the student may appeal to the Scholastic Committee.

     Amended by Scholastic Committee to include summer term February 2016.
     Approved by Campus Assembly March 2008.


Students are expected to meet the published deadlines concerning their registration and schedule. This includes changing grade basis A/F or S/N.

The following courses are open to enrollment after the essential deadline (day 10 each semester). Note that the first five exceptions require approval from the faculty teaching the course.

  • Directed Studies (1993…4993): to last day of instruction
  • Internships: to last day of instruction
  • Out-of-sequence classes: to last day of instruction
  • Senior Project/Seminar: to last day of instruction
  • Some extended session courses may be approved
  • Theatre Production (Th 1060 or 1070): The list of students (with name, ID number, and five-digit class number) will be sent to the Scholastic Committee within one week of the auditions. Requests received after that date will not be approved.


The Scholastic Committee has jurisdiction over exceptions in General Education and to college regulations. The faculty in the disciplines have jurisdiction over exceptions in the majors. Morris Constitution.

Exemptions: World Language

Students who demonstrate proficiency equivalent to completion of Beginning Language II (1002) are exempt from the FL requirement. Students whose native language is not English are exempt from the FL requirement. Campus Assembly approval Fall 1999, affirmed Fall 2008.

Nondegree Student Dismissal


Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) and College in the Schools (CIS) students, are required to maintain a 2.50 cumulative and term grade point average in their University of Minnesota Morris (UMM) courses. Students who fall below this criterion will be prohibited from taking UMM courses (dismissed) for one semester. However, students may file a written appeal of the dismissal decision with the Scholastic Committee by the specified deadline. Typically, the strongest appeals are those in which students present documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond their control.

Credit Reduction and Drop-Down

Students who receive a grade of “C+” or lower, including a grade of “N”, in one or more courses or do not fulfill the terms of an academic contract, yet remain above the 2.5 GPA criterion, may be advised to decrease their enrollment during the following term at the discretion of the Scholastic Committee or its designees. It is important that students understand that the Scholastic Committee and its designees have the right and responsibility to act in what they believe to be the students’ and the program’s best interests.

Implementation Notes

The Scholastic Committee empowers the coordinator of online learning, the coordinator of advising, and the director of admissions to advise and otherwise assist individual students regarding their status and progress and may be empowered to hear appeals. These designees will report to the Scholastic Committee on a yearly basis, summarizing decisions in which an exception to the above policy has been granted. Each academic year, the Scholastic Committee will appoint or reappoint designated individuals or offices related to this policy. This policy will be fully in effect fall 2012.—Scholastic Committee, March 2012, to Campus Assembly for information on April 3, 2012