Jooinn Lee Lecture Series


University of Minnesota Morris
Welcome Center
600 E Fourth Street
Morris, MN 56267


The Jooinn Lee Lecture Series honors Jooinn Lee, professor emeritus of political science and former Chair of the Division of the Social Sciences. Created on the occasion of Lee’s retirement in 2007, the endowed lecture series showcases the political science discipline and cutting-edge scholarship by bringing to campus distinguished alumni, scholars, and prominent practitioners representing the field of politics. 2009 marked the inaugural program of the Lee Lecture. The Jooinn Lee Lecture Series is made possible through charitable gifts to the University of Minnesota Morris.

Past Lectures


Joel S. Wit: Senior fellow at the US-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a senior research fellow at Columbia University Weatherhead Institute for East Asian Studies.




Gary Segura: Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and principal/co-founder of the polling firm Latino Decisions. “Latino America: How America’s most dynamic population is poised to change the politics of the nation”


Michaelle Browers: Associate Professor of Political Science at Wake Forest University “The Struggle for Equality and Citizenship in Arab Political Thought: Ideological Debates and Conceptual Change.”


Eric Schwartz: Dean of the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs “Human Rights and the Responsibility to Protect Civilians at Risk: Promise or Pipe Dream?”


Dr. Caroline Hartzell: Professor of Political Science at Gettysburg College and 2010-2011 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow at the US Institute of Peace “Ending Civil Wars and Producing Peace.”


Dr. Sarah A. Binder: Brookings Institution senior fellow in governance studies and George Washington University professor of political science “Inside Congress: Legislating in Polarized Times”


Michael Armacost: Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, US Ambassador to Japan and the Philippines & Shorenstein Distinguished Fellow at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center “Shifting Balance in Northeast Asia: Implications for the United States.”


Dr. John Barry: Reader in the School of Politics and International Studies and Philosophy and associate director of the Institute for Sustainable World at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland “Vulnerability, Resilience, Justice and the Inevitable Transition to Sustainability.”